Interview With Author Jennifer Greenhut Tollin
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am proud to say that I have written one book! In the past, I was more focused on poetry, and songwriting, and I always kept a journal…but my stage IV cancer diagnosis turned everything upside down and I was called to write the book, sharing everything I learned about the power of love, gratitude, and mindset.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The title is, Everyone Needs a Larry. The inspiration behind the book was stage IV cancer, and sharing a personal survival story, with my husband, Larry, about how we survived not only cancer, but also growing as a married couple. The movie, When Harry Met Sally, was very much like how our relationship started, we were friends before the romance, and we had a similar banter. So we describe the book as, When Harry Met Sally…then Sally gets cancer!
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I am not sure how unusual they are, but sometimes I can have random thoughts while driving, or walking, so I am always carrying a phone to record the thoughts whenever they come. I like writing in the early morning, I start with writing down any dreams I remember, and then I write about what I am grateful for. I sometimes write as if I am living from the future, so I might write about what I have before I actually have it…maybe that is the most unusual habit?!
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I am a huge self-help/healing/wellness reader. I love reading Michael Singer, from the Untethered Soul, Kate Bowler who write about her journey with cancer, Marianne Williamson, Gary Zukov, and Mitch Albom. I was a big fan of J.D. Salinger as a kid, and Judy Blume, yes I know, very different! Sue Monk Kidd is also one of my favorites, along with Paulo Coelho. I can read The Alchemist over and over and over again. I also am a hug fan of the playwright, August Wilson.
What are you working on now?
Well, first I am working on making an audible book, and also getting the book out there as best as I can. In addition, I’m working on developing Everyone Needs a Larry into a series, for Netflix, Hulu, or any platform that might have me. I believe our survival story will help millions, so it is very important to me to be able to get it “out there” in a big way.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Still learning! If you have any advice for me, please share 🙂
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write from your heart, and… Someone told me this before, don’t expect to make any money 🙂
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Your thoughts will make or break your world. So embrace every challenge with love and gratitude… we GET to experience whatever you are experiencing. Even cancer!
What are you reading now?
Robin Roberts, Everybody’s Got Something… yes, I love other people’s memoirs, especially when they have inspiring stories and happy endings.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Well, I think the next book might be called, Everyone Still Needs a Larry, Even When We Don’t. The first book was about the first five years of marriage and stage IV cancer, the second book will be about the next five years, AFTER cancer, living the life with all the lessons we learned … and of course, sharing all the mishaps too…
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Oh boy I hate these questions. However… tuesdays with Morrie would be one, The Catcher in the Rye, The Complete Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, and maybe something like Moby Dick since I never got around to reading that 😉
Author Websites and Profiles
Jennifer Greenhut Tollin Website
Jennifer Greenhut Tollin Amazon Profile
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