Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi, I’m really happy to be speaking here – so many thanks!
Well, from the year dot I have had a massive interest in the human condition. It started out with a huge interest in anthropology and sociology and then moved to psychology and social psychology. At the same time I began reading Marx and Freud and various philosophers – still I was hungry!
It was as if the real important bits from life were still missing – the keys to unlock the good bits were still to be found, As my journey progressed I found that it came not from reading the works of others (although doubtless that is important too!) but from finding out how to look within – that came from meditation! I believe the secret to creativity lies in removing the blocks that we often place there by ourselves – meditation is a fantastic way to remove these! My life continued in a beautiful way when I met my wonderful wife – Nasim. Currently we live in Bristol, England with our cat Bella and are very happy. I believe in helping people and I believe in putting every bit of effort in to get the best life – I think it really is true that happiness lies within us – we can all find it. “Your Mind = Complete Excellence” is my first book and I hope you really like it!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of this book is “Your Mind = Complete Excellence”. It is inspired by attempts, in the early days less successful and latterly more successful(!) to understand the human condition! We are all linked in this amazing world we call existence. So many people have done great work in attempting to describe the human condition – Sigmund Freud’s fantastic work is well known to us, yet, on the other side of the globe, ancient folk practiced techniques which also enabled access to the deeper levels of our being. Scientists research and find that in many ways there is no time – ultimately there is only now – this has been understood by some for thousands of years. This is the understanding of the deeper levels of our minds. On this level healing takes place and magic is possible. To live in tune with the processes that go on within us is, I think, essential. We can find great peace on these levels and I hope this book can, in some way, help others to find great peace and well-being within themselves and to be able to pass that on to others.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t have too many writing habits. I try and make content uplifting and positive and fill the book with as much useful information as possible!
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Well, we’re all on a bit of a quest in life I would say! So, quite a lot of authors that I have read have been trying hard to get to the nitty gritty of human experience – Freud comes to mind but also some of Plato’s works. The sayings and what little we know of Heroclitus is always extremely interesting! That said, I don’t think you can really be influenced by these people – you have to come up with your own story! But, I truly admire their journey! The things that have influenced me most are the theory of Anatta, the understanding that all is in permanent flux, the understanding that our senses are just ways of interpreting reality (important ones though!) and that the mind is also a sense(!), the understanding that consciousness is what there is – various practices will allow us greater experience of wider areas of it! That free-will is extremely important to well-being and that healing is always possible.
What are you working on now?
I am trying to get this book to a wider readership – hopefully as many people as possible are going to read it!
I have some ideas for the next books – there are loads(!) – here are some working titles –
‘The Sixth Sense’ – This would explore the view that we indeed do have 6 senses and that the mind, or third eye is just as important, possibly more important than the other senses. If you walk around Europe you will see statues of the pineal gland quite a lot – it was widely understood that it has a central role in human experience. The gland has a layer of cells which are of the same material as those of the retina – it is not called the Third Eye for no reason! Your inner vision, or imagination is often linked to intuition – a hugely important part of being a person!
I have another idea called ‘Adventures in the Akash’. This is basically the idea that the importance of the Akashic field is huge – this is what they used to call the Ether – ultimately it is an infinite ‘matrix’ of the building blocks of the universe – space isn’t absent – it is full of amazing stuff.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
So far I have just used ‘Issuu’. I am very glad to have found this website though and thank you very much for the chance to promote my book on it!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t give up! Follow your ideas. The creative process is important for the world I would say – if you have an idea – it could grow into something brilliant – follow it!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
One of the Dalai Lama’s quote is – ‘Never give up’! I really believe that this is true because – you don’t ever give up – evolution is constant. Aligning yourself with your focus is powerful – never give up evolving, never give up being creative, never give up growing – and remember – everything changes – all the time!
What are you reading now?
Big anomaly here – not reading anything! I like to write but haven’t read anything for a while!
What’s next for you as a writer?
Keep writing!
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Digha Nikaya (Long-Sayings of the Buddha)
The Bhagavad Gita
An annual of some kind
A fun novel!
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