A Look into the Secrets of Credit Repair: How to Fix Your Score and Erase Bad Debt by Diana Donnelly
If you’re struggling with poor credit and can’t seem to get any loans with reasonable interest rates, you’re not alone.
According to Experian’s Annual Credit Review, 16% of Americans have credit scores between 300 and 579, and another 18% have “fair” credit scores up to 669.
But even if you’re barely squeaking by with a “fair” credit score… it only takes one late payment to send your FICO score plummeting down.
Even the smallest glitch in the credit bureau’s reporting system can turn your life upside down financially.
Because unless you’re sitting near the average American’s credit score of 706… you’ll have a hard time saving up for retirement… getting a new line of credit… or securing a down payment for your dream home.
And as you continue spending and racking up debt, it’s only a matter of time before you fall behind on one loan after another… making it impossible for you to free yourself from bad credit blues.
But there’s good news.
Because by following this simple step-by-step approach, you can easily climb your way out of poor credit problems and establish your financial freedom once and for all.
So you never have to ask your friends and family for money ever again.
In this book, you’ll discover:
● The 6-step strategy for rebuilding your credit history and raising your FICO score
● How your FICO score is calculated — this factor accounts for 30% of your score
● The 6 specific parts of your loan application that banks look at when deciding whether to approve your loan
● 7 things debt collectors won’t admit to your face — remember this tip whenever you speak with a collection agency
● What is a ‘Section 609’ Letter, and how this type of correspondence can help clear your credit history
● 10 ways to repair bad credit, even if you’ve never seen your credit report before
● The difference between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ inquiries, plus which ones you should avoid to keep your credit score from dropping
● The 5 common types of loans, and how to properly manage each type
● 7 effective credit-building techniques that anyone can start using immediately to improve their credit health
And much more.
It’s time to stop letting your debts take control of your life and start building a stronger financial foundation.
Your past doesn’t have to define your future. And with the easy-to-follow methods laid out in this book, you’ll gain all the strategic and tactical knowledge you need to get your credit score back to where you want it to be.
But the choice is yours.
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Author Bio:
From my more than 30 years of experience in various
real estate positions, I have the knowledge to provide
you with information about credit scoring.
I obtained my real estate license and started out
working for a relocation company where I counseled
employees and assisted them in relocating around the
country. If the employee could not sell their home
before moving, I would arrange for an appraisal of the
property, and the company would purchase the home
from them to give them enough funds to buy a new
home in their new location. Once the company
purchased the employee’s home, I listed it and worked
with an agent to market it until the home was sold.
After working in the relocation industry, I moved on to
working in the mortgage industry, where I have gained
19 years of experience. I started out processing loan
documents and ran my own company for years. I am
now a mortgage underwriter. In this position, I review
borrower documents for accuracy and completeness
and ensure the loan meets all guidelines for loan
approval so the borrower can have their application
approved. Working in the real estate and mortgage underwriting
industries has given me an in-depth understanding of
the issues faced by new home buyers. I have both financial
knowledge and practical experience, and I am
passionate about helping people break into what is a
notoriously difficult market. My passion for real estate
has only increased since I began working in the mortgage
industry. I firmly believe that everyone should be
able to own their own home, and I regularly witness the
frustrations brought about by the bureaucracy
surrounding credit scores. My goal is to help people
navigate this difficult terrain and comfortably achieve
their dream of home ownership. I am writing this book
because I was once in your position of trying to wrap
my head around improving my credit score to give my
husband, three children, and two lively dogs the best
life they could’ve had. I want to share the wealth of
knowledge I have accumulated over three decades to
help you gain an understanding of credit, how to
improve your credit score, and help you get the best rate
on your loan.