Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Ade Bozzay, long time wannabe author who never really found the time to actually sit and do some serious writing due to working and family. Now the kids have grown up and left home finally found some peace and quiet. At the moment I have only published the one work “The Moaning of Loaf” but there is a sequel already completed (is there such thing as a two part Trilogy?) and waiting to go, plus a third book which is not connected to the first two.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
“The Moaning of Loaf”is the story of Nobby Loaf, a loner and friendless man, who wasn’t in anyway a bad person but had a tendency to be a danger to himself and anyone within the immediate vicinity. The only real friend he has is his dog Rambo, who doesn’t really like him either. The Story centres on Nobby and Rambo being kidnapped by Dolphins from the Earth’s future, long after mankind has disappeared and the Dolphins returned to the land and became the dominant species. It is in a away a reversal of the Star Trek: The Voyage home film, where Kirk and the crew had to go back in time to find a whale, long extinct in their time period, and bring it back to answer a probes calls in their own time period. The Dolphins needed a Human, and picked someone no one would ever miss, which was Nobby
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t know if it is unusual or not but I tend to find I am more creative when I am tired. So i often find myself writing at silly times when i should really be farting and snoring in bed.
I like to work on two books at a time, so if I get bored of working on one or get a block, I can move to the next and start thinking afresh as it is sometimes too easy to get too bogged down in concentrating on just one story and I find flitting from one to the other changes my thought processes and can often help clear the block I may have had
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Well I love authors that have a great eye for different styles of humour such as Tom Sharpe, Gregory McDonald, Harry Harrison and Douglas Adams.
I love Tom Sharpe for his use of situational comedy and humour, turning usually mundane day to to day occurrences into farcical situations.
Gregory McDonald for his dry wit and use of conversational humour.
Harry Harrison for his epic series “The Stainless Steel Rat” which introduced me for the first time to sci-fi based impossible situation humour and likeable characters.
Douglas Adams for his often surreal and totally unexpected humorous twists and turns
What are you working on now?
Just final tweaks on the Sequel to “The Moaning of Loaf” using the same characters but in new situations. I am also about 80% through a third book which is unrelated to the others and is more adventure and Mystery with a good heap of humour too.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am fairly new to this so i am finding my feet still.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Edit, re-edit and edit again. It is amazing how many errors you can overlook when writing. I tend to write a chapter or two at a time, do a quick edit and then put it away for a week or so and not look at it, then bring it out and read it afresh again and re-edit as necessary.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Never nudge your Grandmother while she is shaving
What are you reading now?
The Throwback by Tom Sharpe (probably the 4th time I have read it over the past 30 years or so)
What’s next for you as a writer?
finish editing book two and complete book three while starting on a fourth book which is just at the plot outline stage for now.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams (just because they have me in stitches every time I read them
The Time Travellers Wife By Audrey Niffenegger (probably one of the best ever books featuring time travel as its central theme)
Fluke by James Herbert (not sure why I love this book so much, first read it as a teenager and just loved the idea of being reincarnated as a different species but recalling your former life.)
Author Websites and Profiles
Ade Bozzay Amazon Profile
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I know ade personally for a while and he is a very very funny guy. He can talk for England and has hell of a lot of life experience and stories to tell which he is now bringing to the forefront which he has hidden away for years. A just down to earth family guy and wish him all the best in this new chapter of life and looking forward to getting a copy of the book and reading it when I have time