Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
This is my first. My day job involves developing and promoting innovative and environmentally friendly forms of transport. Having written professionally for many years, I felt it was time to turn the pen (or keyboard) to something more creative, and hopefully inspirational for children.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Space Kids – The Journey of Hope. It originated during a conversation with my daughters about what it would be like if kids could go to space without adults. However, being a bit of a geek, I wanted to make it sound technically feasible. I also wanted to give our main character, Sophie, a real challenge, and so coming to terms with the loss of her father is the sub-plot running through the book.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I actually like writing on my phone using a cloud-based document editor. Predictive text makes it possible to write quite quickly, and I find I can add, polish and finesse sentences wherever I am. Plus, it looks more normal than getting a laptop out wherever I go. Sitting by the canal is a particular favourite spot.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I loved The Martian – a real masterpiece by Andy Weir (and the movie was good as well), and other sci-fi classics like Avatar, Interstellar, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. I also loved how Stephen Hawkin made very complex science easily accessible to us normal people. I’m trying to do the same for kids.
What are you working on now?
Space Kids 2 is almost finished, and I’m very excited about it. I think it is even more exciting, slightly darker and intriguing. The kids really get challenged in the sequel.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m fairly new to this, so I’m learning very quickly. I have my website: I think self-published authors need to just be confident, think big and don’t worry too much about what people might think. I’m still waiting for my retweet from Elon Musk – I’m sure he’ll love it when he gets around to it.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Take advantage of the countless books available on how to write a good story. Don’t by tempted to break all of the rules to do something completely new – follow the tried and tested story plot ideas.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Other than the tips on writing, I think the best book I read is Atomic Habits by James Clear. He talks about setting up an environment so positive habits are easy and negative ones are harder to stumble into. That inspired me to delete silly apps from my phone which were adding little value to my life, spend more time writing and put my running gear near my bed ready for when I wake up!
What are you reading now?
Other than reading stories to my girls, which has involved far too many fairies and talking animals for my liking, I don’t read much, but I do listen to audiobooks whilst jogging and travelling. I’m currently on Homo Deus – A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari. He provides an interesting perspective, and makes you think how little time humankind has been in the ‘civilized’ state that we currently claim to be in, and how quickly technology is changing our world.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Finish Space Kids 2. I’ve also started a funnier kids book called ‘Mum, Aliens have landed in our garden’, and I’ve got quite a few more ideas.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Probably something on how to survive on a desert island! Then, something big to use for a fire.
Or maybe I would take the Martian, as I would probably be in a similar situation!
Author Websites and Profiles
Alan Nettleton Website
Alan Nettleton Amazon Profile
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