Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I accidentally discovered an easy method of weight loss and decided to write a book about it. After years of research (I am a journalist and I consulted with physicians to confirm my findings) and the Full Edition not being ready, I decided: let me just put out there what I do have so people can get a head start losing weight the easy way— by adding thermogenic ingredients to one’s diet. So, I threw all my efforts into releasing the Sneak Preview Edition. That release quickly became an international bestseller in multiple categories and in multiple countries. It has remained a bestseller for the past 26 weeks!
However- I received the same two complaints from readers:
1. We want more!- when is the Full Edition coming out? Where is the rest of the book?
2. We want more!- send us more recipes and fast!
In fact, one eager reader was trying to convince me to send her my unfinished, unedited, basic draft of the Full Edition, so she could get more recipes. She promised not to show a soul!
While I would’ve felt awkward to do that (who does that, right?), it did spur me on to spend the past 5 months making a Starter Cookbook. I even let this particular fan weigh in on its cover, grateful for the idea!
The EAT HOT…LOOK HOT Starter Cookbook did set me back about 6 months on finishing the Full Edition, but I have to say: I’m getting better feedback on this book than my first.
They say ‘Three is a charm,” so let’s hope that means Book 3 of the series: ‘EAT HOT…LOOK HOT: The Secret to Lasting Weight Loss’ is a huge hit!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
EAT HOT…LOOK HOT: The Starter Cookbook
Inspired by one reader who wanted more recipes to get started on the diet.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not really. I stay up late but so do many writers.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’m a fan of Danielle Steele and she has personally given me writing advice.
What are you working on now?
The Full Edition of EAT HOT…LOOK HOT.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have yet to figure that out but I can tell you one thing for sure: it’s not Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
This depends on your goals for writing. However, you must realize that to achieve sales, marketing will be 99.9% of your work.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Everything that Steve Harrison says. He is a guru to authors.
What are you reading now?
Languages of Love
What’s next for you as a writer?
To finish the much-awaited Full Edition of EAT HOT…LOOK HOT: Secret Strategies to Lose Weight Quickly. I’m starting a Hot Sensation out there and almost every day, I read posts of readers and fans saying ‘when’s it going to be ready,’ or ‘I can’t wait.’
Right now, all they have is The Sneak Preview Edition of EAT HOT…LOOK HOT and it’s Starter Cookbook. Plus my bonus newsletter that I’m happy to give your readership. They can get top Miami chef’s cooking demos, recipes, guides and even write to me (yes, I try to respond) at
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Bible
Book of psalms
and books on maintaining a positive mindset because it must get pretty lonely on a stranded island.
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