Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a judge in the family court since 2009, but I have been following my passion for self-help and spirituality since 2005. I am a certified NLP practitioner by the international federation of coaching, NLP and Time Line therapy practitioner by the Time Line therapy association, and author of the book “The forgotten art of happiness”. I attended numerous seminars and workshops online and offline on coaching, meditation, spirituality, and business. My exposure to the domestic conflicts in the family court put me close to real life scenarios, I have seen the truth of human emotions and how feelings can change our decisions and my passion took me from a shy anxious thin guy to a fit, self-aware, determined man. I went through a long journey of self-discovery by consuming a lot of knowledge, writing, and monitoring and analyzing my actions. I am also the founder of A Space to Be; it is an initiative which organizes workshops, group discussions, and retreats to help people find out who they really are.
I have just launched my first book “The Forgotten art of happiness”
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Forgotten art of happiness
Vey long ago I had the dream to write a book about happiness. I did not know why? I just believe that I can help people to live a happier life and that by helping them I can help myself to live happier. This dream was not that clear until I get into a network marketing business and I had to write all my dreams on a piece of paper. Since then I had the idea clear in my mind but I started a journey of self-doubt for 4 years I was repeating this sentence in my head “who you think you are to write a book?”. I started a research on the internet on how to write a book and the AHA moment was when I saw a video on YouTube, and there was a man who said the best thing to do to improve your writing is to write, write, write, and write. At this moment I decided to start accepting the idea that I don’t know how am going to finish. Since I started the magic started to happen, the book was writing itself I just had to follow where it is going. The research lead to an idea, an idea led to an insight, an insight led to an interview, an interview led to an idea before I know it the first draft was done but I was satisfied with it, so I started to read best-selling books and I gave the book to famous authors and beta readers to criticize it. Me, the fellow authors, and the beta readers agreed on the same idea that the book is full of very good knowledge but it is very theoretical it lacks the stories that can touch the readers and influence them. I started to search for people online and offline people who can claim that they are happy and they can share their transformation stories. This was the most touching experience for me I interviewed people from more than 20 countries. I saw how humans is capable to transform their lives from sadness to happiness and all it takes a decision and acting upon this decision. I found out that happiness can come from the most miserable situations.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I like writing in lousy coffeeshops, it makes me engaged and very consumed in the process.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Mark Manson the Subtle art of not giving a It has a different approach on how we can approach life
What are you working on now?
I am working on two projects the first is the notebook of happiness it is a workbook for my first book the forgotten art of happiness. The second is the second book it is called “beyond happiness” it is something more than happiness that I have achieved and I want the journey with my readers.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I believe facebook because it is the place where most of your friends are and then you can share the real story behind the book.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just start
you do not get good at pushups by reading about them. you get good at writing by writing.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
When it comes to writing do not think about the process think about starting
What are you reading now?
Stillness Speaks – Echart Tolle
What’s next for you as a writer?
I want to be a better person by helping others to be better. I achieve that through books that force me to discover methods and techniques to live on higher standards.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The subtle art on not giving a f – Mark Manson
Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival: Bushcraft Series
The power of now – Eckart Tolle
Author Websites and Profiles
Ali Zakaria Website
Ali Zakaria Amazon Profile
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