Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am very honored to be part of this wonderful community of authors & be able to present myself and my work here on your site –
‘THE GLAD GAME REVISITED’ series – a trilogy which represents the sum of my personal spiritual journey for many years now, has been patiently waiting to be put on paper and published, is now finally out and with it another dream come true for me.
This series is actually my debut as a self-published – Indie Author and I am enjoying this new found independence immensely.
My spiritual path & my creative writing, have always been part of my life and as such intertwined since I can remember myself…
In essence I have always been both creative in different fields of the arts as well as on a personal spiritual path continuously.
My spiritually creative or creative spirituality journey started very early on in my life – I can literally remember special experiences related to this path already as a 9-year-old…
At that time however, Pollyanna still did not symbolically represent all of which I talk about in the Book series – ‘The Glad Game Revisited’.
At that early age – she was a figure I secretly loved to hate in a sense, and only later along my journey did she make her very impressive comeback …
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My book came to life initially as an attempt to put in order piles upon piles of writings I have gathered through the years – these notebooks filled with years of my research along with documentations of my personal experiences – were waiting for the right moment I suppose…
And the moment came about a year ago – sometime during this reconstruction work I came across an old book which was one among my favorite reading repertoire as a young girl – ‘Pollyanna’ –
… and right there and then I was privileged to experience what is known as an epiphany moment.
Standing there in the cellar of my home with this book in my hands – I realized how close and wonderfully simple the whole of it is…
From that moment on MY book started writing itself in a way… I was just typing the words and basking in bliss with every new page.
Reflecting upon the message and the means with which I received it I am constantly reminded of Santiago the protagonist in Paolo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist’ who discovers that the answer to his question had been actually nearer than originally believed – which is in essence the reason for his decision to set on a journey in the first place – and then again without the journey he may have not recognized the answer in its full true sense…
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
As part of the process of writing I take some time prior to the actual act, and fill as many handwritten papers as possible with my thoughts, emotions and ideas, as well as drawings.
During that time, I also concentrate on meditating every day and staying in this meditative stance as long as I write the book as to enhance the creative process…
It is time consuming and also requires some discipline but I love it and enjoy every single moment of it.
However, once I start on my writing I let it take over so to speak, instead of relying on a rigid scheme or plan – I also mention it in my book in reference to the creative process as experiencing what is known as ‘Divine Dictation’…
I have started as a part time writer only to very quickly discover there is no such thing, at least not for me…
As with all creative enterprises once the creative process has taken on there is actually no time factor in this equation.
It is an ongoing process to the point that even when I do not literally sit at my desk, the book so to say, continues to write itself in my head at all times.
Which depending on the situation, leads to having to taking notes sometimes in the oddest of circumstances. as Inspiration is everywhere, at all times – and it finds us sometimes when we are least prepared…
What authors, or books have influenced you?
There are so many wonderful writers who accompanied me throughout the different phases of my life and have provided me solace as well as inspiration when I most needed it.
My books are in a way my best friends and have always been there for me as long as I can remember myself through & through – they are as such an inseparable part of my journey.
Among those which influenced me most as a young girl are: Lev Tolstoy, Jane Austin, Louisa-May Alcott, Romain Gary, Henry James and Ann & Charlotte Bronte.
Later on as I was growing up I fell in love with: Oscar wild, Virginia Woolf, Max Frisch, George Sand & The poet Tennyson to name but just a few…
I still have all original books and still in reasonably good shape (…at least most of the) – considering the fact that they have been traveling with me all over the world for decades –
(Yes, I have always traveled with my books when a longer stay was planned…
Today, however thanks to Kindle I have all the digital versions of my favorites for that purpose as well…) – so that I can still enjoy them from time to time.
Each and every one of them carries so many emotional memories with it and just holding them in my hands for a few moments or reading a small passage in them is always very rewarding.
What are you working on now?
I am getting ready now to start on my next book for which I am still researching at the moment. I was actually planning to start with the writing sooner but was somehow engulfed in the rush of the promotional phase of ‘the Glad Game Revisited’ – series, so that I was forced in a way, to postpone it for a while.
Being an Indie/Self- published Author is absolutely wonderful but it also has its downfalls – one can easily feel overwhelmed now and then.
One should definitely hold a calm attitude at all times in order to be able to keep focused on ones’ priorities.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I let my books work their charm ^^
Basically I place my books in a few relevant platforms with the idea behind it that the right audience for it will show up.
My trust in the universe is my first & foremost tool even and maybe especially when it comes to marketing and promoting my books.
I love reviewers, each and every one of them who approaches me with a request and later on with their personal evaluation of my work is in a way my true reward.
With that in mind, it did take some getting used to, as at first I felt somewhat uncomfortable and even scared in face of opening myself up to the idea of a judging audience in a way.
However, with time it has grown and still does, into an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness every day more & more…
Do you have any advice for new authors?
To write for the pure JOY of it and nothing else – the rest will align itself in due time ^^
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Self-Love & Self-ACCEPTANCE above all and at all times:)
What are you reading now?
I would have to admit that as things are at this time I only get the chance to skim through at least 3 books a day.
Time for leisure reading is somewhat of a luxury for me at the moment.
I have a long list of Books waiting to be claimed, as well as a ready pile sitting next to me, which I can’t wait to put my hands on, once the promotional phase of THE GLAD GAME REVISITED sets down and I can get back to my somewhat calmer daily lifestyle.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I have just been lucky enough to stumble upon a kindred spirit lately which inspired me into the direction of a co-creation with a fellow author – an idea which in itself hadn’t crossed my mind until now.
Although I am only playing with the idea in theory at the moment – since I have to devote my time at present for the two books I have already in process and are ready and waiting to be written any time soon – once the time is right, I will approach this endeavor on the practical level …
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
There are so many wonderful works of literature I admire – and in every point in time I may pick another favorite I suppose, but with that in mind, I would say that The Portrait of a Lady by James Henry & The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wild and the Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson, are definitely on my all-time favorite list ^^
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Alva v.H Website
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