Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’ve written a number of short stories under other author names. My name of Amanda Rothman is real, however. Even if Smallville used it as a character name! I should watch that sometime.
I also write for a living, currently as a Technical Writer. This is my first non-fiction book that I’ve published on Amazon, but I’m planning to follow it up with a number of others in this series!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Bestselling book that I just published on Amazon is called “Climate Change Debates Don’t Matter: Generate Renewable Energy While Saving Earth from Floods and Drought”. It’s been thrilling to see how it has been received so far!
I’ve always loved nature, weather, and science, and have tracked it over time. When I noted a disturbing trend in severe weather and the increase in flooding and drought, I started to brainstorm!
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I really really prefer quiet while I’m writing!
If there’s music on, I’m going to be listening to it.
A podcast? It has my rapt attention!
White noise? Distracting until I eventually drown it out with concentration.
Reading however? Distractions are no problem. If I’m reading I may (or may not) hear you if you’re talking to me!
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Oh good heavens too many to name. There are some classic authors who taught me how to write descriptive prose. Lots of nonfiction authors that are helping with copy-writing, blog writing, book writing, marketing, finances, and of course information on climate change and related topics!
What are you working on now?
I’m trying to get my book into as many hands as I can to increase the chances that influential people will hear about it. I’m also contacting various climate change organizations, media outlets, and researchers/entrepreneurs who are working in the field to see if they’re interested in getting my system created.
Once I’ve finished this launch, I’ll be working on Book 2 of this ongoing series!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Word of mouth and Facebook has been surprisingly helpful in getting support started from friends, family, and interested Facebook groups!
After that however, there are a large number of promotion services out there! I’m just getting started with them now.
Last is your blog. I’m working on adding more content to mine!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t get frustrated and give up. You need to make a decision to write.
Every morning is best. Even if it’s just 15 minutes before going to work! The morning is when you have the most willpower after a good rest!
Sit down at your computer and write. If you’re staring at a blank screen, mindmap your ideas first so you know what you’re going to write. Then write it!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Mindmapping ideas ON PAPER. Seriously. It works like you wouldn’t believe!
The same goes for the morning writing. The best way to develop a good habit!
What are you reading now?
I’m reading lots and lots of articles and books on marketing and improving one’s blog!
There is a lot of material to be found out there, but I find that with so many different points of view, everyone will have at least one little new nugget of wisdom not shared by the others!
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m looking for speaking gigs, guest blog opportunities, podcast interviews- those sorts of things. I’ll be writing and releasing press releases once I work that out as well.
I’m hoping to leave a legacy of there being no more flooding and drought, no more deaths or people dying of thirst. Fewer wildfires. Glaciers that are more stable. Sea level rise averted.
It’s an enormous project.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Difficult question!
The complete work of “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Dumas with all of the extras.
Albert Camus “The Fall”
A ginormous thesaurus/dictionary
A ginormous book of blank paper (hopefully some writing implements would be allowed!)
Author Websites and Profiles
Amanda Rothman Website
Amanda Rothman Amazon Profile
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