Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am the published author of five books Love Child, Child No More, and the holiday themed J and K Christmas, and J and K Christmas 2013 along with J and K Valentine. As of this writing I have written five books. I live in Staten Island New York but grew up in the projects of East New York Brooklyn. This neighborhood helped inspire my first book Love Child. I have a Bachelor Degree in the Social Science with Education Concentration and I am the mother of two boys Jason and Kristofer. Love Child was given a positive review by Midwest Book Review while J and K Christmas 2013 received four stars by Readers Choice.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
J and K Valentine was my last book. It’s a small book on Valentine Day poems and one short story. I was inspired to write it after getting two J and K Christmas titles already published so I wanted to experiment with a different holiday themed book. I took the challenge to write this one because I don’t love or even like Valentine Day as much as I love Christmas. However there is something about romance that can make poetry writing satisfying but it sure was challenging.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I seem to become most creative at night once the sun goes down. It’s like I really come alive then. I write during the day but its at night where my creative juices really get flowing.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
V.C Andrews has been a big inspiration especially with the Dollanganger series (her original works before her death in 1986) Flowers in the Attic was a book that hooked me as did all the sequels in that story. Anne Rice, Stephen King, S.E Hinton, Michael Connelly, are authors who have influenced me especially in the suspense genre.
What are you working on now?
I am working on a few things right now. I began to write Child Scorned the third book to the series of books Love Child and Child No More. I am also working on a new J and K Christmas themed book for Christmas 2014. Most of my poetry themed books have included a short story or two but I am working on a poetry book titled Shadowed Days that will be a small book based on only my poetry. This small book will be ready very soon.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have found word of mouth to be very helpful especially when funds are low. It can start with a small number of readers and they spread the word. Going around talking to bookstores, libraries (have those sale sheets, and cards ready) all this is hard but it does help. Promoting on social media can also help. There are certain websites that allow you post your book for free so those are certainly worth look into. Mailing out the right press release to newspapers, and book stores is another way. You don’t lose anything by trying.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Very recently by Anne Rice If you want to write just write. Don’t try to go by any rules or methods all this can hurt instead of help. Just write. I was doing this already but just hearing her put it that way made me feel so much better about doing it. There is nothing wrong with rules and they can work for some people but everyone is different so I found this to be very good advice.
What are you reading now?
With so much writing its hard to keep up with reading but I try since reading is important especially in helping writers keep up with what people are reading out there. I just finished reading Shaken by Kerry Connelly which was a very good book in helping one deal with depression and emotional abuse. I am looking into reading my first James Patterson novel and plan to read Anne Rice’s Prince Lestat this October. For current reading I have read a lot of Archie Comics and was reading the classic Edith Wharton’s Age of Innocence. There are many classic books I haven not finished reading and this was one of them.
What’s next for you as a writer?
As a writer I plan to complete my present works and finally work on scheduling my first book signing. I really want to get out and meet more readers and the public. I’m working on that.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Flowers in the Attic by V.C Andrews
The Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice
Goddess The Marilyn Monroe biography by Anthony Summers
The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
This was a very interesting Interview. Keep up the good work Ana.
Ana is a very Creative and Talented Author she shows so much Excitement and Emotion in her writing. I have read all of her books and believe she will be a success soon. “Love Child” and the sequel “Child No More” have much mystery which I just love. I can’t wait for her new book “Child Scorned”. Her poetry is just fabulous also. I have copies of a few posted where I can view them.