About Ascendencia: Como Investigar la Historia de Tu Familia y Escalar Tu Arbol Genealogico by Dr. Trina Boice
¡Usa Estas Poderosas Técnicas de Genealogía para Comenzar Inmediatamente a Encontrar Información Sobre Tu Árbol Genealógico y sobre ti mismo!
Aquí tienes un adelanto de lo que aprenderás…
• Cómo encontrar información sobre tus antepasados en línea.
• Cómo organizar la información y los registros que encuentres.
• Qué hacer cuando te enfrentes a un obstáculo en tu investigación.
• Cómo obtener información de las lápidas de tus antepasados cuando no puedes viajar a los cementerios donde están enterrados.
• Cómo encontrar reliquias y artefactos que pertenecieron a tus antepasados.
• Cómo conectarte con familiares vivos.
• Cómo compartir información con otras personas que están investigando a los mismos antepasados que tú.
• Cómo hacer que tu familia y tus hijos se interesen en la genealogía.
• Cómo planificar una reunión familiar.
• Cómo honrar tu herencia de maneras creativas.
• Cómo calificar para becas universitarias basadas en tu herencia y etnia.
• Qué hacer con antepasados que fueron adoptados.
• Cómo crear eventos y tradiciones familiares memorables.
• ¡Descarga tu copia hoy! Cada capítulo ofrece consejos fáciles de seguir y te guía en tareas específicas para ayudarte a avanzar rápidamente en la búsqueda de tus antepasados.
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Author Bio:
Dr. Trina Boice grew up in California and currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2004, she was honored as the California Young Mother of the Year, an award which completely amuses her 4 sons.
She’s a #1 Amazon best-selling author of 31books with another one hitting store shelves soon! You can see them all on Amazon and in bookstores.
You can listen to her daily podcasts on the Volley app on your iPhone or on Spotify, Alexa, and Anchor. It’s called “Daily Inspirational Quotes with Trina Boice”.
She is a movie critic at Movie Review Mom and offers online courses for professional & personal success at Lifelong Learning Education
She helps writers as an author coach to turn their books into a thriving business at From Book 2 Business
Trina has a doctoral degree in Management from CTU and teaches classes at Brigham Young University and Arizona College of Nursing. Her master’s degrees are in Healthcare Administration and Community Wellness Promotion. Trina earned two Bachelor’s degrees from BYU where she competed on the Speech and Debate team and the Ballroom Dance Team. She was President of the National Honor Society Phi Eta Sigma and served as ASBYU Secretary of Student Community Services.
Trina also studied at the University of Salamanca in Spain and later returned there to serve an LDS mission in Madrid for 1 1/2 years. She has a Real Estate license, Travel Agent license, 2 Master’s degrees, and a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, although she’s the first one to admit she’d pass out from fright if she were ever really attacked by a bad guy. She is a doctoral candidate in Management with a concentration in Adult Education Leadership. She is passionate about learning!
She worked as a Legislative Assistant for a Congressman in Washington D.C. and was given the “Points of Light” Award and Presidential Volunteer Service Award for her domestic and international community service.
Her proudest accomplishment is her 4 amazing sons!
She is also the Entertainment News Editor for BellaOnline and was selected by KPBS in San Diego to be a political correspondent during the last election. If she told you what she really did for a living she’d have to kill you.