About Backyard Homestead Adventures
Welcome to Sunny Stella’s “Backyard Homestead Adventures.”
I’m Sunny Stella, your guide on this exciting journey of stand-alone adventures. Together, we will:
• venture into the magical Whispering Woods,
• explore the secrets of the enchanted gardens,
• join in on quests that uncover the amazing connections in nature,
• discover the art of living in harmony with our planet,
• meet the animals on the homestead,
• and embrace the magic found in the Creator’s divine masterpiece.
Are you ready for a “Backyard Homestead Adventure?”
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Author Bio:
Hey there, meet Susan, or as her friends call her, “Shining-Star.” Susan really likes doing things the old-fashioned way, just like her ancestors did. For years, she did some interesting stuff like chipping ice and straining it to get clean water, and growing herbs and veggies in her garden. And guess what? She picked wild veggies, mushrooms, and berries from the woods too! She was kind of like a smart explorer.
But there’s more – She made her own health, beauty, and cleaning things. Can you believe it? She even made her own medicine and created clothes and moccasins from goat skin.
But then, something unexpected happened to her – she got struck by lightning and got really hurt. Because of that, she had to move to a city. It wasn’t as easy as her old life, but you know what’s cool? Now, after more than 20 years, she has turned into a modern-day homesteader. That means she’s bringing back the past and making it work in today’s world.
Susan has a mission. She wants to share the things she knows with others. She wants to teach people how to take care of the Earth, get closer to the Creator, and find more joy and peace in their lives.
Using old-fashioned skills, Susan is currently turning her small piece of land in New Mexico into a Backyard Oasis Homestead. It’s like a magical place where she can connect with nature and enjoy her own sanctuary. She even has a service dog, as well as ducks and rabbits as her special companions!
You can join Susan on her Facebook page, “Backyard Oasis Homestead Living.” There, she lets people peek into her life with her special companions, check out the cool projects she’s doing, and learn about the books and articles she writes. So, if you’re curious about living like a modern-day homesteader, Susan is the person to follow!