Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Bart J. Gilbertson. I spent most of my youth and growing years in the northern part of Idaho in a small town called Troy. It was largely a farming and logging community. Our school (back then) Elementary thru High School sat up on a large hill overlooking the small town. I spent countless hours in the school library which, amazingly, had a pretty good variety of books for such a small school. I went on to wear many hats throughout my lifetime career and have learned many trades to include – fast food, semi-conductor fabrication, kitchen designing/counters and cabinets, pharmaceuticals, technical help desk for various businesses to name a few. I received my Associate in Applied Science Degree for Computer Networking Systems and graduated with honors from ITT Technical Institute as well. And now, I can add Author to the list! I have had one book published through Cozy Cat Press, a cozy mystery titled “Deathbed & Breakfast” with plans for more.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
It is titled “Deathbed & Breakfast”. It is the first in a planned series of books called The Pookotz Sisters Mysteries. My sister and I were sitting up late one night catching up on things (as it had been a long time since we’d seen each other) and she was telling me about a Cozy Mystery she was reading at the time by Joanne Fluke. Soon, we were coming up with ideas for our own Cozy Mystery, laughing, having fun. What we didn’t know was that we were laying the foundation for what would later become “Deathbed & Breakfast”. Since I had never really read any cozies before, I weaved together pieces of Agatha Christie, Jessica Fletcher (Murder, She Wrote) and Alfred Hitchcock into the novel giving it a nice cozy feel with elements of humor, drama and of course, “whodunit” mystery! It takes place primarily in a bed & breakfast, hence the title.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t know if I would call them “unusual”, but I prefer to write late into the night by candlelight. There is just something about losing yourself from the real world, firelight reflecting off the walls around you that really helps to bring out the creative juices. Free from the distraction and the sounds of every day life filtering through the windows. It’s quiet, peaceful…it’s go time!
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I grew up reading the works of fantasy authors Lloyd Alexander, Terry Brooks and Piers Anthony among others. In the mystery genre (and I know this may seem a bit generic because of their far reaching effect, but) I also had read and was influenced by the Hardy Boys Mysteries by the collective writings under the pseudonym of Franklin W. Dixon. It was the work of Lloyd Alexander in particular that really first opened my eyes and heart to the written word. His 5 book Prydain Chronicles so captured me that I have since read them over and over again. I was about 10 years old the first time I read them and never before had I been so enamored with any book, let alone more than one. It was about that time in my life that I decided I wanted to be a writer.
What are you working on now?
I always seem to have more than one project going at any one time. Some have been started and find their way to the proverbial “back burner”, but always they are being worked on somewhat. My main effort currently is on the 2nd of the Pookotz Sisters Mystery series. All your favorite characters will be back in action again, some with more of an enhanced role. I am also working on a short story compilation (4 stories) which I will have available for kindle only on Amazon. The title of the book will be “Wax Hypnotic … and Other Tales From Beyond”. I have ideas for another possible series, and also for standalone novels. There is just SO much I want to write about.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
For “Deathbed & Breakfast” I have found the best website for reaching out to others and promoting the book has been Facebook. Goodreads has also been a great resource to me. From there, I have been able to meet others, both authors and reviewers and have had several Author Interviews, Book Reviews and Book Highlights posted on other webpages and blog sites online. Always, I am on the lookout for more opportunities to talk about my book. My first book signing was actually at the local Dairy Queen and it was very successful! “Come down and grab your favorite blizzard or fruit smoothie and while you are there, be sure to get your very own signed copy of Deathbed & Breakfast from local author, Bart J. Gilbertson! Now there is more than one reason to visit your Dairy Queen!” We actually aired that commercial on the local radio station. I went in with 40 books and walked out with 1. I sold 39 in 4 hours. It was a great day! I believe that sometimes thinking outside the box is fun and exciting.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Never think that what you are writing is worthless or not important enough for others to read. Every person has their own voice. Let yours be heard. Live up to your OWN potential and be happy with your writing. Write for yourself. Love what you do. Don’t give up.
Also, reading is just as important as writing. Read other books. Gain insight, learn. Enjoy.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
It was given to me years and years ago by author Terry Brooks when I met him at a book signing in Albuquerque, NM (and I doubt he’d remember this, but I do…haha!). I asked him for advice to me as an inspiring author. I asked him, “What should I do?” He said to me, “Just write.”
What are you reading now?
I am currently reading a book that has been highlighted on your website in fact. I’m reading “Sherlock’s Home: The Adventure of the Contentious Crone” by Pamela Rose. I am very much enjoying it. She is a natural story teller.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Just to keep doing what I love. Write good stories. The 2nd in the Pookotz Sisters Mystery series is my emphasis right now. I would love to be able to meet others and continue to grow in my chosen craft.
What is your favorite book of all time?
“Where The Red Fern Grows” – Wilson Rawls. My 4th Grade teacher read this book to our class. It got me interested in books. Then the aforementioned Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander (The Book of Three, The Black Cauldron, The Castle of Llyr, Taran Wanderer, and The High King) are all near and dear to my heart. Even after all the many, many books I’ve read in the years following, these are still my favorite today.
Author Websites and Profiles
Bart J. Gilbertson Website
Bart J. Gilbertson Amazon Profile
Bart J. Gilbertson’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
The Pookotz Bed & Breakfast series is poised for liftoff! Brad J. Gilbertson is an amazing human being and it is reflected in his writing. You’ll want to climb into his book pages and stay at that Bed & Breakfast! He’s also being interviewed live today (Friday, 9/27) on the Amy Beth Arkawy radio program at 12:00 p.m. Call in and talk to him, he’ll love it!
Thank you for the opportunity for the Author Interview. I appreciate your website.
Thank you to Pamela Rose also for her kind words and expressions. The interview with Amy Arkawy went very well, and for those of you who tuned in, I want to thank you for your support!
If you missed the show, you can still listen to it here: Bart J. Gilbertson
You are very welcome!