Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a 38 year old writer from Glasgow who writes mystery thrillers based around my home city. Glasgow is a city full of culture but it also has a side to it that makes it a perfect setting for mystery. My first full length novel Lost Girl came out in May 2016. I am now in the process of putting together my fifth book.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
In the Wake of Death came out in September 2016. Originally I had an idea to put out a romantic LGBT novella which would be separate to the previous book. It wasn’t long though before my mysterious side kicked in and the book became a thriller. It also allowed me to flesh out characters that I had previously had a lot of good feedback for. So it became a full length thriller.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I’m not sure about unusual. I flesh out all my chapters on an excel spreadsheet and set up a date for writing that particular chapter. It helps me keep to deadlines and plays up to my OCD side.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have been recently introduced to a lot of self published authors. There is some fantastic stuff out there. My favourite writer is Lisa Gardner. I love how authentic her characters feel when I’m reading them. I also love that she has so much continuity and cross over. There’s lots of cheeky little asides, for instance, to Quincy even when the book is not necessarily part of his series.
What are you working on now?
I am working on my fifth book ‘The Daughter’ which is the 3rd in the DI Phil Morris series, but also merges with Detective Kevin Wallace who will be introduced in the next book (out in March) called ‘The Dead of Winter’.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I use facebook and twitter incessantly. I’ve met a lot of great people and acquired great support networks there. I would love to commit more time to those.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Share and interact. Your key task is to promote your work but if you only use your social interaction to promote yourself, you’ll soon find that others will unfollow you. Make friends, give support and take it when it’s offered. I have some great friends that I’ve made through promoting my books who have given me the guidance to improve and learn.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Don’t read reviews! Seriously though, reviews are great exposure, but they can fill your head with nonsense. Especially when one review tells you how amazing you are and the next rips you to shreds. You have to learn to be thick skinned and self aware enough that you don’t take yourself too seriously.
What are you reading now?
Who killed Vivienne Morse by Diane J Febry. It’s brilliant. I started it in December and then got side tracked. I am now back to it and almost finished. Its well worth a read.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I want to get more exposure on my existing books. I also have an idea for a different type of series that I might put under a different pen name. It’s not at all related to the type of writing that I do. It would be more in the lines of human interest than mystery. I have discovered when writing my existing books that I love to explore the dark side of people and the relationships and dynamic of family life. That’s a real undertone in my books, so I’d like to do something that is focused completely on that.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I have been told 1984 is one I should read before I die. I now have a copy that has lay by my bed for about 3 months. If I found myself on a desert island with books and time to read – that would be one. I’d also take with me The Scolds Bridal by Minette Walters and one of the Adrian Mole books because I laugh hysterically every time I read them.
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So well done William……can,t get passed the Sunday name lol.
You are doing something that I have always wanted to do but never had the courage so I’m so proud of you.
I will need to start reading your books. Actually I have recently gotten into audio books, mainly because of long drives during work. Something for you to think about hey are very popular…….count me in as a narrator. Love Sharon xxx