About Bodybuilding Tips: 100 Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All
If there was ever one thing I could alter about myself, it was my physique. At a mere 125 pounds, I felt uncomfortable, and weak, and would do just about anything to put some muscle onto my slender body. I would look at other kids and say, “why can’t I simply feel average?” Forget being big and muscular, I simply wanted to feel like I wasn’t a toothpick compared to everyone else. I probably went too far, and maybe I wasn’t as slim as I envisioned, but it didn’t matter. In my eyes I was nothing. Afraid to bare my arms, or take my shirt off, my confidence was down in the dumps.
There were multiple instances when I promised myself I would do something about it, but I was never able to keep to any sort of actual strategy. I lacked expertise and wasn’t sure whether what I was doing would be beneficial. I would generally wind up doing pushups every night, and then give up after a week or two. I had no notion what to do as far as food was concerned, and assumed that a few glasses of milk was all I needed to convert myself into Arnold Schwarzenegger.
A Moment that Changed my Life
But then it occurred. One day while I was staring in the mirror, I realized exactly how dissatisfied I was with the way I looked. It was that day I determined it was time to change. This time I meant business. No more sitting around talking to myself and grumbling about my little figure, it was time to put all the chatter aside and get to work. Talking creates no muscles. Although I still had no clue how to approach it, one thing was for sure, I wasn’t going to stop. Whether or not I realized what I was doing, the bottom fact was that I had made a self-promise. No matter how tough it was, how long it took, or how many hurdles came my way, I was going to change. I was determined to grow large, and there was nothing that would stop me. It was then that my trip from point A to point B started.
Bodybuilding demands dedication. It is a whole different lifestyle that requires letting go of old habits and embracing new ones. You cannot get into bodybuilding and be half-hearted about it. It is a test of strength, self-discipline, and willpower. This book is loaded with 100 incredibly easy methods that work for all. Commendations to help you gain more muscle.
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Author Bio:
Joseph H. Carillon is an ACE certified personal trainer focused on helping people build muscle and lose weight. Growing up with autism spectrum disorder, Joseph has become a shining testimony to his own workout approach and training regimen. Through mastering his body, Joseph has gone on to create a successful career within the fitness industry, tirelessly refining his methods and sharing his expert wisdom with others.
Joseph began strength training at the age of 10 with the help of his father whom was then a gym instructor and has since dedicated his life to understanding everything about exercise and nutrition. Specializing in strategies to increase strength and shed fat, Joseph works with people from all backgrounds and fitness levels.