About Breaking Chains
Do you want to live in the fullness and freedom that God has for you?
Perhaps you have physical, emotional and/ or spiritual chains that are preventing you from living this way.
These chains can include, but are not limited to; behaviours, habits, thoughts, beliefs and unbelief, distractions and un- forgiveness.
You will learn how to break these chains through the 4 P’s:
Prune (Eliminate Hindrances)
Pass (To Jesus & let go)
And the bonus- Praise!
Each section is backed up by scripture and gives you stories, guidance, actionable steps and teaching.
Also including tools and techniques of Christian Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBCBT).
All of which can be carried out and used straight away.
‘Breaking Chains’ will help you to live in the freedom, love, joy and peace that God does have for you!
Are you ready?!
A percentage of royalties will go to the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team
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Author Bio:
Lauren is an author, coach & speaker who helps people to improve their mental health and wellbeing. She does this primarily through the tools and techniques of Christian Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBCBT).
Individuals, churches and organisations across the globe all benefit from her services, talks, courses and books.
What others say:
“You have great empathy for hurting souls and this equips you well as a spiritual coach. Working through your book has helped me build on my strengths of Biblical meditation and prayer. You have many gifts for ministry and I am grateful the Lord saw fit to cross our paths.” “A must for anyone finding life a struggle, anyone whose journey has been difficult or just someone that wants to understand their train of thought better. Great book. Great read. Great teaching.” “This was the most beautiful and moving book I’ve read having suffered addiction problems myself Lauren shows how people can change and get the support they need. I encourage anyone with addiction problems to buy this it’s a must-read for people in all walks of life.”
Lauren is a mum of two beautiful children. Lauren became a born-again Christian in 2004. She has a BA Hons in ‘Health and social care’, a diploma in ‘CBT’, and is an accredited life coach, amongst others.
She is transparent about her past, dealing with poor with mental health, including; depression, anxiety and self-harm. But God helped her deal with these and she learnt to transform her thinking and refocus her mind towards Christ.
Then in 2019, Lauren founded ‘Mindful of Christ’. On the website you will discover, valuable blog posts, books, resources, and the available services.
In 2023 the YouTube Channel won the ‘BipolarBrave Mental Health & Faith Award’. She is the 3 times bestselling author of ‘Christian-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’, ‘Indestructible Faith’ and ‘Breaking Chains’ and co-author of ‘Worship in the Wilderness.’
She offers Self-publishing services as well; helping new authors to write, get published, launch and market their books.