Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m just a regular guy who decided one day to sit down and write a book. They say that inspiration comes to us sometimes in strange ways…well, I’m no different. Things just more or less, fell into place. I started writing What’s Left of My World in December of 2015 and finished it up in September of the following year–my only setback being that I hadn’t yet learned the ins and outs of being an independent author yet…and I made the mistake of not nailing down my cover designer. So, I had to wait a few months before I could publish it.
What’s Left of My World hit Amazon’s best seller’s lists in two genres within 30 days after publishing–both in post-apocalyptic fiction and dystopian fiction. In fact, it made it all the way to the top 5, and I was literally blown away. Since then, I remain humbled with the reception it continues to get. I count myself very blessed.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
This We Will Defend is a continuance of the first book, picking up pretty much where the first left off as the second in the series. I began writing it while waiting to publish the first one. So, I guess the inspiration came chiefly from watching my debut novel become unimaginably successful. ๐
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I listen to hard rock music during dark scenes or write outdoors in areas that spawn imagination or ideas. Sometimes, I enjoy a glass of bourbon. Or two. Or three. And a beer or two. It worked for Faulkner and Hemingway.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’ve always been inspired by Stephen King ever since I was a young boy. The Shining, Firestarter, and Carrie were among the first books I’d ever read. George Orwell (1984), Nevil Shute (On the Beach), and later on life; William Fortschen (One Second After) had a major influence on me to write post-apocalyptic fiction.
What are you working on now?
Book 3 of the What’s Left of My World series, of course. I’m also working on a second non-related post-apocalyptic thriller series I plan to introduce at some point next summer that touches more on current events, particularly relating to terrorism and the immigration crisis both in Europe and in the United States.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Awesomegang has always provided me with great results. Indieauthornews, and of course Facebook and other social media sites.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Concentrate on telling the story. Don’t worry about anything else…if you have a story to tell, it will eventually get out the way it needs to.
Do NOT read your negative reviews. Have someone else to that for you. You won’t please everyone. Just remember that the ones who give you good reviews are the ones you’re writing for. They are your fans. Write for them. Don’t change the way you write to please unhappy readers.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“The good Lord gave us all two ears and one mouth for a reason–so that we can listen twice as much as we talk.” – my grandmother
What are you reading now?
I don’t read as much as I’d like to, unfortuately. Not enough time. I do listen to my fair share of audiobooks though, and spend a lot of commuting time doing just that. Right now I’m listening to author friend, mentor, and fellow Virginian Franklin Horton’s fifth installment in his Borrowed World Series, Valley of Vengence, and it is FANTASTIC. The audiobook for This We Will Defend is set to be recorded within the next week, so I must set aside time to proof it, otherwise next on my list is JL Bourne’s next installment in the Tomorrow War series, Serpent Road.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I plan to keep writing. I’ve been bitten by the success bug and I can’t stop. It’s an enjoyable pastime, and it sure beats sitting around watching tv.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
That’s a tough one. One of them would have to be the Bible. My mother would kill me if I didn’t have one with me. The next would be the SAS Survival Handbook, which I’ve read, but I’m certain I’ve already forgotten everything. The other two? Well, probably my two, since they’re the dearest ones to my heart. The characters are like family to me. It would be a shame to live life without them.
Author Websites and Profiles
C.A. Rudolph Website
C.A. Rudolph Amazon Profile
C.A. Rudolph’s Social Media Links
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Facebook Profile
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I am an 80 yr female fan of your series “What’s Left of My World”. Characters are well developed, story holds your interest and in general, well written. I grew up on Asmiov, Bradbury, A. Clarke and lots of other great writers. I read all genres and started the Prepper world with Rawles, Joe Nobody , A.American.Bird. Goodwin and many other talented authors. Just wanted to let you know you have OLD fans who appreciate good tales and am looking forward to continuing the series this summer and would appreciate knowing when the # 6 book becomes available on dear ol Amazon. Way back, I published several SF short stories before joining my husband of 58yrs, in 35 delightfully exciting years in Alaska.