Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a law student, an artist, and a writer. Growing up I dreamed of being a great science fiction writer and YA novelist. Later I developed an interest in writing for television and film. Although I certainly can’t be counted among the greats yet, I’m excited to finally be living my long time dream. This past December, I published my first YA book: Enemy Rising. It is the first in a series set in an alternate 1805 India. I am currently at work on book two, as well as a number of other manuscripts.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My first published book is a YA called Enemy Rising. The book is set in 1805 India, which was a volatile time in history, when the British had broken faith and began battling to conquer country. However, in my book there is an outbreak of curseds (zombies) which reshapes the political powers and forces four radically different youth to take unexpected measures to survive. The story was inspired by a dream I had of a princess and her best friend fighting zombies.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Honestly, I don’t think so. The greatest advice I ever received from a mentor was, “Writers write.” So, that’s what I try to do. I sit down. I chug my coffee. And I write.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Oh wow, honestly, so many authors and books have influenced me. I love the English and Russian classics. Writers like Tolstoy, Dickens, Austin, Hardy and Dostoyevsky were among my favorites as a child. But I also loved and was influenced by science fiction stories and YA series. Bradbury, H.G. Wells, Asimov, Suzanne Collins, and Brian Jacques were some of my favorites. Although the styles vary greatly, these authors all had the ability to paint a whole and complete picture. It’s something I will always aspire to and strive for.
What are you working on now?
Currently, I am working on the sequel to Enemy Rising. I’m also about half way done with a science fiction novella. It’s different from my previous work. More mature in tone. It’s something I’m really excited about. Of course, I also have several YA and middle grade books outlined, and as long as Book Two makes reasonable progress, I will begin working on a second series this summer.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m pretty new to book promotions. I’ve been running ads on Amazon with decent success, I also managed to unload a number of copies with a Books Butterfly promotion. I’ve heard Robin Reads, James Mayfiled, and Buck Books are also good sources, so I’m going to keep throwing it out there and see where it sticks.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Writers write. Seriously though. If you have a dream, fight for it. You can always edit a bad story or a rough script. You can’t fix an empty page.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, writer’s write. To be fair, I think that applies to anyone no matter what their dream is. Dreaming is good, but it will always be just that without action. So, pursue dreams. Take the knocks. Get back up again and keep going.
What are you reading now?
As a 2L, I read a lot of legal texts. Although it’s very different from pleasure reading, it’s taught me a differnt side of writing, which I really appreciate. As soon as exams end, I’ll be finishing the second book in Cixin Liu’s Three Body Problem trilogy. I can’t recommend it enough.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I hope that I will continue to hone my skills and that my books will find an audience. I’m going to keep writing, keep learning, and keep trying.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Hmm. Tough question. Probably Oliver Twist, War and Peace, the Bible, and a very thick Survival Guide.
Author Websites and Profiles
C.J. Fisher Website
C.J. Fisher Amazon Profile
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