Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m an Author, Musician, Composer and IT Consultant with 25 years of experience in Information Technology, 26 years of experience in Music and 35 years of experience with Jesus Christ.
Investing 35 years in the research, study, teaching and preaching of the Holy Scriptures, my wife Sondra and I exposit Divine Truth to audiences crossing both denominational and nondenominational boundaries. I seek to bring fresh light to the foundational doctrines of the Christian Faith and I have a testimony that exalts the Person and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
I live with my wife in Gaston County, NC.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book, Immunity to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide, was written as a part of a continuous historical effort since the time of the apostles to both define The Gospel of Jesus Christ for modern minds as well as ensure that its priceless message stands true and pristine against the ongoing tide of misunderstanding that every generation in the last two thousand years has faced when dealing with God and the Holy Bible.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Because of the topic I write on (Biblical Faith) a lot of the work has been done for me; that is to say that Eternal Truth doesn’t change, but is continually being discovered (and assaulted) by each successive generation. When I decide to write a book, I’m inspired by a need to address misunderstanding and misinformation about a particular Biblical Truth. Once the Biblical Truth is identified, an outline of the book is drafted and filled in. Like so many before me I’ve had a personal encounter with The Lord Jesus Christ that drives me to tell others about Him.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Ah…what a wonderful question! There are many post-Biblical writers that have fueled my appetite for truth and knowledge…Augustine of Hippo, Catherine of Sienna, Paul Bunyan, George MacDonald and, of course, C.S. Lewis.
Secular authors that have had a profound influence on me include Trevanian, Asimov, Herbert and Robert A. Johnson (a brilliant Jungian analyst who wrote an illuminating book about feminine psychology).
What are you working on now?
Most of my time is occupied with promoting my current release (Immunity). I believe the next step, however, is to go back to a book I wrote on predestination (Once Saved, Always Saved: The Assurance of Our Father’s LOVE), make a few revisions and re-release the book. Over time as a writer you learn things you didn’t know before as well as learn how to communicate ideas in a better way.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I must confess that, after writing eight books, that I am a complete novice when it comes to book promotion and marketing. My shift in mindset came when Amazon Kindle offered to make paperbacks of my Kindle eBooks for customers on demand. I decided that if Amazon was willing to save me a ton of money in producing paperbacks, I was willing to to begin actively marketing my work. Awesome Gang was the first site I came across with a process that made sense…and I’m glad to be a part of what you’re doing both for readers and authors.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Be more social. Join some kind of author’s guild or forum, both online and in person. Learn how to speak to people and join one of the many speakers organizations. Every author is a creation of God and, either directly or indirectly, has something to say about Him Who is the Fountain, Destination. and Purpose of all things.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Hear, oh Israel: The Lord our GOD, the Lord is One; and you shall love The Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength!”
What are you reading now?
Anything I can grab that will teach me how to better market my faith, my books and my self.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m still working a secular job, and will probably do so for the next 10 years or more. During that time, as I get closer to retirement, I’m seeking to lay the foundation for a public speaking career to coincide with my writing. As well as continuing to write on the Christian Faith as I see the need, I’ll probably go back over my seven previous works to make them better; modern technology makes this very easy to do.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Holy Bible in Young’s Literal Translation, the works of Paul Bunyan (a prolific writer) and George MacDonald. I would also include the complete Destroyer novel series by Warren Murphy and Richard Saphir as well as the Hitchhiker’s Guide series by Doug Adams…both of these masterpieces are HILARIOUS and full of wisdom!
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