Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Carie Toeller, and First Corpse The Appetizer is my first novel. However, I wrote the novel about 5,641 times before it was finally released for publication. Now that I’m a little better at it, I’m on to writing book 2 in the series, Second Corpse The Soup.
I live in Northern California, blessed to be surrounded by lots of close family and friends. But still too far from the beach. I love writing and fooding (my term for anything related to food; such as eating, cooking, savoring the aroma, creating, dining out, grocery shopping, etc.) I also love gardening, making my own kombucha and reading.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
As I mentioned earlier, the name of my latest and first, but not my last book is First Corpse The Appetizer. It’s a romantic suspense novel with a splash of humor and a culinary twist.
I think I was first inspired to turn my writing into a novel by the work of Janet Evanovich. It is difficult to find books that keep you glued to the edge of your seat while also making you laugh out loud.
My work pales in comparison to Ms. Evanovich, but my hope is that it has the same effect: a laugh out loud, give you romantic tingles, keep you on the edge of your seat kind of effect. A place where female readers who enjoy good food, good wine, the occasional appropriately placed f-bomb, mega-quantities of chocolate, and heart-stopping kissing scenes can escape to whenever they want.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
In the truest spirit of my main character, I prefer to write with a large glass of wine (Chardonnay or Rose in the Summer, Merlot or Pinot in the Winter) and a really good quality hunk of chocolate. It’s possible the wine contributed to all of those rewrites.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
The esteemed Janet Evanovich, of course. I also love Kyra Davis. Stephanie Bond is great. The writer known only as Richard Castle. Tess Gerritson. Are you sensing theme? I do occasionally read the more serious novel. But the older I get the more I realize that life is too short not to laugh out loud every 20 minutes or so.
What are you working on now?
I am furiously working on the planning, the scoping out, the figuring, the flushing out of the conceptual overview for book 2. Okay, no I haven’t started it yet. (Don’t tell anyone) But I’m preparing to start. Book 1 just launched! I think we should cut me some slack.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
So far, word of mouth. I am very fortunate to have a huge network of family and friends that impatiently supported my lengthy journey to this point. And by support I mean “So, when is your book going to be done?” Fair question. And now it is! Even better, it’s published!! My support system has been waiting for so long that it was like an explosion of book sharing hit the world wide web when it came out. It nearly brought me to tears. I am so grateful to have them.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Learn from my mistakes – understand the requirements first:
Know your genre
Know your target market
Learn the expected structure and unique requirements for your genre/market (like out of this universe world building for Sci Fi, or the HEA for romance)
Correct story structure and other assorted rules do apply!! Learn them, know them, love them, write to them so that you don’t have to rewrite 5000+ times.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
It only takes a second to cross the finish line. Don’t forget to relish the journey.
What are you reading now?
In a Dark, Dark Wood, by Ruth Ware. Actually, I’m listening. I can never resist a good British narration. It’s got just a touch of humor, so not my normal fare, but this author is great at building suspense. Read and learn. Eat chocolate. Read and learn. Drink wine.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Book 2! Second Corpse The Soup. Okay, a little spoiler that you will only understand if you’ve read book 1.
Join Layne as she drags Maggie through the sweltering Arizona summer heat in search of killer clam chowder (and Ryan).
(Alright, you caught me. I may have written a few chapters, but I swear I am going to outline this time so as to avoid the 5000+ rewrites)
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, Creating a Life You Love by Victoria Moran, Whichever Stephanie Plum novel by Janet Evanovich happens to be out. (And I’d need Amazon Prime)
Author Websites and Profiles
Carie Toeller Website
Carie Toeller Amazon Profile
Carie Toeller’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
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I agree with the dark chocolate and wine. Although I hate to plot, I have learned from painful moments that it makes the writing go more productively, less staring at the computer screen. I have learned to accept the fact that I will have a down feeling when I complete a novel and my characters are no longer talking to me. It takes a bit of time to feel the surge of interest in writing the next one.
All best wishes, Eris