Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a grandmother of eight grandchildren ranging from ages 8 to 27. They have all brought great joy into my life. Currently, I am writing a children’s historical fiction.
My first book “Tales of Wonder Woods” was released in September by Covenant Books, Inc. The book began as a story I told to my grandson at age five. He was so enthralled, he added his own ideas. I began writing it in 2009 and published it in 2019.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My grandson inspired me to write this book. Through the years, I could not let go of the story and when I began to write it, everything was brought together.
The synopsis reads:
Val is a young boy living with his mother; his father is gone. In the woods near his home, he meets a giant spruce tree. Spruce, the giant Sitka spruce tree is steadfast; his roots are planted deep in the earth just as his values are planted deep in his spirit. Their friendship matures and endures until the time of Spruce’s death. The story combines real life intertwining with the fantasy world that takes place in Wonder Woods. In the fantasy world, a near-fatal rafting trip happens when Val and his cousins are rescued by an Indian chief. Big Chief Yellow Bird is like an angel unaware who appears when Val and his cousins are in danger or in need of guidance in Wonder Woods. Adventure, danger, death, grief, disappointment,
Victory, and heroism are portrayed in this tale. There are real-life explanations for the fantasies that occur in the woods. Throughout the story, signs of Val’s father slowly returning home are emerging.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
No, I don’t think so. With my first book, I almost had to go away before I could write. My favorite “hang-out” for writing was a mountain resort in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California.
With my current book, a historical fiction for children, I have been able to write at home. I am enjoying creating the characters and the activities of their daily lives. Yes, I am leading up to a climax, but before I do, I want the reader to enjoy the rich lives of these people.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
For many years I read biographies and autobrigraphies of presidents and important leaders in America. Brian Stephenson’s book “Just Mercy” has impacted me in a tremendous way because it has updated me on the wonderful people in our nation who are making great sacrifices to work hard at correcting injustices in our criminal justice system.
For fun, Rick Reardon’s “The Lightening Thief” was fascinating to read. Most recently, Lisa Wingate’s historical fiction “When We Were Yours” was intriguing
What are you working on now?
I am currently writing a children’s historical fiction,
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Because I am a new author and recently published, I am exploring what is available and using those resources to the best of my ability. I have chosen to use some old fashion methods, such as writing to my audiences and sharing the synopsis to those people. It is time consuming, but I feel good about what I am doing.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Be persistent at promoting your book. It is important to make connections with authors and people who are in the publishing business. I am currently exploring Goodreads Authors.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Perseverance for sure. Nothing is ever accomplished when we feel defeated and give up. Keep an open mind through the process, be patient and kind with people even when it is not reciprocated. Communicate with people in the business, respect their knowledge and their experience.
What are you reading now?
John Grisham’s “The Guardian”. So far, it is easy reading and meaningful.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I want to continue promoting my book “Tales of Wonder Woods” and complete my current historical fiction for children. Once completed, I intend to publish.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
My bible because I find the words of my heavenly Father inspiring and it will give me hope. My next choice would be a Bear Grylls, “To My Sons: Lessons for the Wild Adventure Called Life”, because I am going to need some knowledge in survival skills. A book for fun such as “The Lightening Thief”. And I would try to find a way to write.
Author Websites and Profiles
Carol Smith Website
Carol Smith Amazon Profile
Carol Smith’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile