Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I just published my debut novel, Desperate Forest, and am currently working on my next novels. I first began writing by exploring the world of Harry Potter fanfiction, and I have two stories out on popular fanfiction sites.
I write clean stories filled with adventure and romance, and I always try really hard to write strong characters with solid development.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Desperate Forest is my debut novel and the first book in my Forest Tales Series. I first developed the idea a number of years ago when I was really into the TV show Once Upon a Time. I really liked the idea of writing my own type of fairy tale, and it turned into a fun romantic adventure similar to the Princess Bride.
The setting of it being in the forest was inspired by one of my favorite places growing up. My sister and I would spend days exploring a woods by our house. We would read, write, climb trees, and let our imaginations run wild. Some of my best memories are from those days. I still love hiking and being outdoors, so I decided I would do a series of books that in some way take place in a forest as a nod to that time in my life.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Hmm . . . if I can, I always love to write outside. My imagination seems to work best there. Besides that, I tend to think of my best ideas when I’m busy going about my day.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
So many! I love to read, but the most notable would be The Sherwood Ring by Elizabeth Marie Pope, the Harry Potter series, and anything by Victoria Holt. I love anything that has a unique setting and good vibe.
What are you working on now?
The next book in my Forest Tales series, called the Jabberwocky Princess. It is my take on the popular Lewis Carrol poem the Jabberwocky. All the books in the Forest Tales series will be stand-alone reads, but I plan on having characters from my first book make an appearance.
I’m also working on the beginning stages of a three-part dystopian series, which I am really excited about. I’m going to try some new stuff as an author with this series, such as taking on some more serious subject matter and different viewpoints. I’m so excited to really delve into the characters that I’ve started developing.
I’m also about half way through my third Harry Potter fanfiction. I just love writing in that world, and when I get writer’s block with my original projects, I often find going back to my fanfiction for a while gives me the creative break I need to return to my other projects with a fresh eye. My first fans ever were in the fanfiction world and I am extremely grateful that supported me as a writer. As long as I have stories for them, I will continuing writing fanfiction because it is so much fun!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Haha, honestly, I really haven’t figured this one out yet! I have a personal website ( that I’m very proud of because I built it myself. I also have a Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest page. I think communicating with readers and other writers is the best thing that authors can do to help promote their books.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
First and foremost, write for yourself. Write what you love. If you don’t, it will show in your writing.
Second, let your first draft be a mess! Never go into writing thinking your first draft will be a masterpiece. It won’t. That’s where you get all your ideas out. Never censor your first draft because you are worried about showing it to someone. That draft is for you. Once it is complete, go back and decide what works and what doesn’t and edit it then. If you get too stringent with your first draft, you can miss some really great ideas.
Finally, to be successful as an author I think you need two things: a lot of confidence and a lot fo humility. It can be really hard to balance both. Writing is personal and it can be really intimidating to share your work. Be confident and proud of your work. Don’t be afraid to talk about what you love and why you do what you do. Don’t get hung up on the dollars and cents. Remember, if you’ve written something and you have readers that enjoy it, you are a successful author.
As far as humility goes, don’t be afraid to take advice and constructive criticism. No matter how long you’ve been writing, how many awards you’ve won, or how many classes you’ve taken, there are always things to learn and ways to improve. Be open to hearing what your readers think. I’m lucky to have a great beta team that I trust. When I share my first draft of anything, I am completely open to criticism and advice on improvements. Without that help, my stories wouldn’t be as good. Be prepared to laugh at yourself and be excited to improve your projects. Don’t get stuck on thinking something has to be one way just because that was how you originally developed it. If it doesn’t work for the overall story, be flexible. In the end, you can usually see a much stronger story for your edits.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Your first draft is you telling yourself the story. I think that is great advice because if you get too hung up on what everyone else will think at that point, you stifle your creativity. First drafts are meant to be a mess. That’s how you discover a great story and strong characters underneath it all. Give yourself that freedom and your writing will be better for it.
Also, no book is universally loved. This is so important to remember. Everyone is not going to love your writing style or your stories. Think about your favorite book of all time. You probably think it’s so aweomse, no one could possibly dislike it. Go online and look at its reviews. Sure enough, there will be some bad ones. This is important to remember as you get criticism on your own work. Some people will hate it and that’s okay. Don’t let it get you down or stop you from writing. Even the most popular authors get negative reviews. It’s just a fact of writing.
What are you reading now?
I have been a little naughty lately because I have been writing so much, I haven’t been reading as much as I used to! I am in the process of judging a Harry Potter fanfiction contest on Wattpad so I’ve been reading those stories. When that is done, I plan on diving into a new book, since I have some new things waiting on my Kindle.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Who knows? Mainly, I hope to write a lot more books. I really hope to grow a following for my writing and connect with readers who enjoy my style. I’m still in the beginning stages of my writing career though.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Only 3 or 4? That’s tough! I’m pretty sure the reason I would be on the desert island would be because I took too many books on vacation with me and they sank the boat ๐
Definitely one of the Harry Potter books, Prisoner of Azkaban or Deathly Hollows because those are my favorite. Probably the Sherwood Ring because I know I’d have fun re-reading it and reminiscing. Jane Eyre because I’d want a break from all that island sunshine and would need to hang out on the moors a bit. Last but definitely not least, the Bible, because I’d need that guidance to keep my faith strong.
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