Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Born just north east of valley forge pa. in a place known as King of Prussia were my father was a well known chef at a local steak house. Valley forge for me was my back yard literally and those cannon houses got me in more trouble than one would want to remember as they were my play ground as a youth this place was also the gateway to hell for me and my sister who was left for death the pair of us was found by strangers in a grocery store dumpster. And what followed next was right of a horror movie itself and 50 years later I’m here to tell you about it this is my first published book just one of many already written over the decades I just never released any of them.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
THE MINUTEMAN FILES: Machine made humans / This book was inspired by my personal friend a man I body guarded for about 10 years off and on living in his home maybe you folk heard of him. Who is this man well he’s Hollywood’s Biggest name ever….
MARK LINCOLN MILLER you remember mark don’t you ROCK HUDSONS mark GEORGE NADERS mark my mark….. Mark was the biggest influence and had a personal hand in the books creation just before he died in 2016. This book was inspired by mark love for George Nader and his robots of chrome folks.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write alone with my two dogs and one rabbit of all things these are my only real friends on this earth. When I write I just slip away into a trans with my pets and brain waves just run wild every time when reality comes back I write it all down.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
There is only one author who have ever influenced me he had my imagination on overdrive as a youth a influence that still drives me to this very day and than mans name was C.S Lewis maybe you heard of him if not you should.
What are you working on now?
(Medical Administration the straight A student guide for 2018) this is the current project due to be published just after January 2018? In addition to this title I have several books in the works all part of THE MINUTEMAN FILES: The first book is only the teaser of what to come and oh box all I can say is look out X-Files the difference between that show and this book is my stories are 100 percent real or are they, what will you believe?
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
one word (
Do you have any advice for new authors?
keep writing and never stop every time you have a thought write it down.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
blame it on that guy he’s not here. Well it sounded like a good idea at the time but in the end we can only blame ourselves for what we do on this rock we live on. I was once told, “never stop, truth matters” and it the very point to my book.
What are you reading now?
At this point in times I’m writing not reading for the simple reason I just left school where I spent about three years reading medical administration books and course materials followed by forensic psychology classes.
What’s next for you as a writer?
The minuteman files is my biggest project part of it are based on a research studied into the famous phoenix lights ufo and in 2013 I personally proved to the white house the phoenix lights was not a ufo period. That mystery is solved it scared the white house and the vice president gave my research to sir ridley Scott who used my gyro in his movie phoenix forgotten they had no permission to use any part of my minuteman research files they basically stole that gyro in the movie and I got no credit or royalties this was a out right theft I can prove.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
the Khyber rifles, the bible, the lion the witch the wardrobe
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Charles H Braie jr Website
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