Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
The Supernatural Prodigy is my first published novel, but I’ve written four from start to finish. I’m editing the second one now and hope to publish it in January 2018. I’ve loved writing since the third grade when I wrote my first short story. I’ve written a bunch of short stories, a ton of poems/songs and dozens of articles. I was born in Massachusetts but traveled a lot, living mainly in New York, Florida and California. I’m retired now and writing full time.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Supernatural Prodigy was inspired while taking a course taught by James Patterson. In one of the exercises we were told to come up with an intriguing first chapter or story idea. My idea was a guy trapped in a metallic room. I liked the way people reacted to it. They immediately thought up reasons why he was there. While writing the book, there were points where the story could go in too many different directions. That inspired the theme… the many choices we have at each major crossroads of our life and they paths we travel from there. A bit of Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” in there.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t know how unusual this is but it’s definitely a habit. I write the minute I wake up and never at night. I learned from experience that my nighttime writing is really bad. I keep my laptop on the coffee table and in the morning I go straight to the couch and fire it up. When I’m stuck or don’t like what I wrote, I step out back and sit on the porch swing and relax. Often an entire chapter will unfold while I’m relaxing and I have to rush back inside to get it all down. When that doesn’t work and I can’t think, I eat and watch a show or read a book. Next day, my story flows again.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Oh, way too many to list! For science fiction I’d have to say Isaac Asimov, Doc E.E. Smith, Robert Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, Orson Scott Card, and George Orwell. For fantasy my favorite authors are J.R.R. Tolkien, Neil Gaiman, Richard Adams, and Stephen King. For mystery/suspense it’s Stephen King once again as well as James Patterson; and my favorite romantic comedy authors would be Janet Evanovich and Jane Austen. Then there’s Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare in a category of their own. I’ve been “influenced” by every book I’ve read which is at least a thousand.
What are you working on now?
The next book is “Major Mara Jensen: Betrayed.” I wrote it in 2006 and now I’m rewriting it. It’s about a woman who lost or gave up everything while pursuing a career in the military
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m hoping it’s Awesomegang; but before finding you, it was Facebook, hands down. The targeted audience feature helps me find my audience for my particular book. Choosing genres is tough, especially when you cross the lines. Mine’s a sort of sci-fi metaphysical visionary urban fantasy. I noticed Janet Evanovich’s book “One for the Money” is listed as a crime thriller… (pause for effect). Awesomegang has a lot to offer and I’m looking forward to how it goes.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I’d say the #1 advice I have is to improve your craft through reading and writing and don’t beat yourself up. All writers improve over time, and all writers write a bad book. Too many authors quit before they even get started. You need to get book(s) plural out there before you are “known” (series of long books are popular right now). Build a team that will critique, edit, design, and proofread your material. Use surveys and writer groups. I do NOT recommend sharing with close friends and family before your book is perfected unless you have that rare creative connection.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Keep writing! Keep reading. Write for your readers. I noticed that the more I wrote, the easier it got. I’d take a course or read a book and go back to my story and work it over. Now I’m rewriting my earlier novel and can’t believe how badly written it is. You improve if you continue to write and learn and tell it to your audience.
What are you reading now?
I’m researching the UN Peacekeepers while reading books on marketing. I had to put my fiction books to one side while I’m firing up my writing engines.
What’s next for you as a writer?
My next target is to get “Major Mara Jensen: Betrayed” published by January 2018 while learning how to locate and accumulate readers who enjoy my story. This is all for our readers…
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
“Robinson Crusoe,” “The Mysterious Island,” and “How To Survive on a Deserted Island” because that would be the mood and circumstance I’d be in.
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