Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Cheryl R Cowtan was born in Guelph, Ontario in 1967. She was raised by a carpenter and his wife who shared a curiosity and wonder about the scientific world, space, medicine, nature, agriculture and husbandry. Thus, Cheryl lived in homes built by her parents on acreage that was filled with horses, dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, rabbits and anything else she and her brothers could catch. She ate food grown in her family’s organic gardens and spent most of her early years running through the forest, crying out “wolf!” “wolf!” to her brothers.
Cheryl has always been a voracious reader. From a young age, she read anything she could get her hands on. Her mother’s Reader Digest Condensed books in grade 4, her father’s Isaac Asimov magazines and cast off horror and fantasy novels, a box of Harlequin Romance novels from a neighbour, her third cousin’s Tarzan, John Carter of Mars and Princess series, her grandfather’s leather bound History of the West and Zane Grey and Louis L’Amour collections. Yes, it was a mishmash of inbound literature and out of it came her own writing, poetry, thrillers, westerns and fantasy. Scribble, scribble, into a box it all went.
Life went on, jobs, husband, house, children, career change to teaching.
Now she had everything. A loving family, a beautiful home, dogs, cats, chickens, even a fishing boat. Cheryl loved her job, loved being a mother and a wife. She couldn’t be happier.
Or could she? For in the back of her mind was still that little niggle, that little dream, the dream of being a writer.
And so her story begins…
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
“Girl Desecrated” of “The Fergus She” series is one sexy, quirky, gothic fantasy you won’t be able to stop thinking about.
“Girl Desecrated” explores new adult themes of relationships, independence and identity within a character’s dysfunctional lifestyle. I wanted to write about a girl whose past struggles give her the strength to overcome a supernatural occurrence.
My protagonist, Rachel, has survived personal and family crisis, and struggles with behaviour problems. She is a risk-taker, self-sabotaging and socially crippled, but she is also someone who might overcome her challenges through courage and resilience. Even though her poor decisions sometimes lead her to trouble, her desire for love and acceptance make her endearing and relatable to the reader.
“The Fergus She” was selected as a finalist in the March 2014 Twitter NestPitch competition, by award-winning, fantasy romance author, Jeffe Kennedy. Kennedy called this manuscript “Kinda cool, quirky and breaking the rules in the right way”.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Other than perching on the edge of my computer chair so I don’t disturb my cat?
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Shirley Jackson, “We have always lived in the Castle” was creeeepy! I think she really got me interested in the psych-thriller genre (person with crazy thoughts narrating a story).
What are you working on now?
Book #2 of The Fergus She “Master of Madhouse”, and because I’m ADHD, I had to write Book 1.5 “Manboy: Janitor at the Asylum”, because why write one book at a time?
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
At this point, facebook for networking, book promos and cross promotions.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing. Take the time to make your book a really excellent experience. Being an author is a 10 year plan so when you are disappointed in the first year, the second, the third – just keep saying, “I’ve got a 10 year goal”. It feels better 😉
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The advice about the 10 year plan.
What are you reading now?
Just finished “Adam’s Cross” by EMG Wixley. Comparable to “The Witching Hour” by Anne Rice. Good stuff!
What’s next for you as a writer?
Write, market, write, market, write, market, write…
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
“How to survive on a deserted island.”
“How to catch fish and birds.”
“How to capture the attention of planes and boats.”
Too practical?
Okay, 3 books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. … Why wait for the island, I’m going to read one now!
Author Websites and Profiles
Cheryl R Cowtan Website
Cheryl R Cowtan Amazon Profile
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