Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hello, my name is Chiara Talluto. I’m a wife, busy mom, author, and a woman after God’s heart. As I ponder this declaration, I find it more appropriate to claim that I am a woman after God’s heart first. He has given me a gift of writing, and I honor Him through my written works.
People often ask what kind of writing I do. I tell them… I write Inspirational/Christian drama empowering women to discover their faith, use perseverance to overcome adversity, and become heroes of their own destinies. I also write middle-grade fantasy-fairy tales to encourage girls in developing strong morals and values, and to always stand up for what is right.
My family often tells me that I am the Master Storyteller in our household because I have a passion for writing about people who struggle with decisions and conflicts that arise in their lives.
In the last six years, I’ve been blessed to have published four books: A Christian Romance, Love’s Perfect Surrender, two middle-grade fantasy-fairy tales: Petrella, the Gillian Princess and A Tribute to Tulipia, and an Inspirational fiction, She Made It Matter.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my latest book is She Made It Matter. It is a compelling tale of one woman’s fight to regain sobriety, find salvation, and earn forgiveness after years of guilt from being abandoned by her mother and then losing her brother to cancer, a struggle to vanquish the demons of her past and make her life right again.
This story tackles the difficult subjects of family abandonment, alcohol abuse, and food dependencies; compulsions and addictions caused by the trauma of one’s past.
Amanda Reynolds is vulnerable. Like most humans we err and make mistakes, and harbor grudges and secrets that can create huge reservoirs of pain if not addressed. Amanda is stuck in the past, and stuck in the pain, and the only way to cope with it is alcohol.
While writing the story, I thought about my own idols and addiction and how I could break them. I thought about how a person with a perfect life is able to throw it all away over something that constantly consumes their mind and body. I thought about a person who cannot move forward because of horrible past experiences. I thought about abuse that is prevalent in homes and the amount of abuse and abandonment of children. Most importantly, I thought about the human condition and how everyone makes mistakes. The ebb and flow that when we don’t know the alternatives we continually fall trap to our addictions.
This story took over nine years in the making and I merged all of those ideas in my mind. It was completed in Fall of 2014, after publication of my first book. That winter, I had it professionally edited to be published in 2015. About to publish it, I scrapped it. It wasn’t ready. It was my sophomore “grown up” book and I think I rushed through it. You see, there’s this stigma out there that as soon as you’re done with your first book, as your finishing your first book, you should be already be writing your second book or almost finished with it.
Not me! I put it away for two years until Summer of 2017 when I had a friend of mine read it. She cut it to shreds and challenged me to enhance the storyline.
And so, after about 27 revisions, 25 title changes, I have finally completed it, professionally edited it again, and am NOW ready share this story to the world. And because I love music so much, especially Christian music, I find my inspiration from songs.
The theme song for the She Made It Matter novel is from For King & Country, titled: “Burn the Ships”. The main idea of…Step into a new day. We can rise up from the dust and walk away. Leave the past. And don’t look back.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I often tell people: “I have two addictions: reading and writing. I feel restless and empty when I can’t read fiction, write my deepest thoughts in my journal, or even write down story ideas. Writing calms me, centers me, and provides a healthy outlet for my communication with imaginary friends.”
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I enjoy stories about human complexities. I like real-life stories, and have been drawn to writings that have a biblical theme, are motivational, and encouraging. I admire writers like…
Eric Wilson – October Baby and Fireproof
Judy Blume
Karen Kingsbury
Richard Paul Evans
Mitch Albom
Billy Coffey
Rachel Hauck
C.S. Lewis – Chronicles of Narnia
Hans Christian Andersen
Tim Lahaye – Left Behind
Adriana Trigiani – Big Stone Gap
David Baldacci – The Christmas Train
Travis Thrasher – Marvelous and American Omen
Ernest Hemingway
Jack Keroerac
Charles Bukowski
Each of these remarkable authors are able to write believable characters, digging deep into their sub-conscience, and exploring and unraveling their tragedies and triumphs.
What are you working on now?
I have a short story I wrote in 2007. A thriller/apocalyptic story that I’d like to resurrect and publish.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Writing blogs. Posting on social media. Sending quarterly communication and growing your subscriber list via website. My website is
Every opportunity to talk to someone is an opportunity to discuss your books. Seize the moments!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Park your butt and write. Write what you know and write what you don’t know. But, just write.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Sit and write.
What are you reading now?
Rachel Hauck’s The Writing Desk.
NKJ – The Bible
What’s next for you as a writer?
Keep promoting my books.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
On Writing by Stephen King
Eat, shoots and leaves by Lynne Truss
The Elements of Style by Strunk and White
Author Websites and Profiles
Chiara Talluto Website
Chiara Talluto Amazon Profile
Chiara Talluto Author Profile on Smashwords
Chiara Talluto’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
Fantastic interview Chiara. FYI, If anyone would like a copy of Eats Shoots and Leaves I have 4 copies. Great book….Dennis @ Moneysaver Editing…Chiara’s editor