Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a follower of dreams, admirer of dragons, eater of sweet things, and believer in truth and equality. I write because I am compelled to. I read because I love books and everything they represent. I have written a lifetime-supply of short stories, which I am slowly doling out to the world. The Deermaster novella was my first longer publication. I have a romantic comedy novel called “Almost Mom” coming out by the end of 2018 and a YA fantasy novel scheduled for sometime in 2019.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Deermaster is named so because the “Master of Deer” job title was taken. Just kidding. But the book *is* all about the job of mastering the special reindeer that fly Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve, and everything that goes with holding that position. It came to being after I started wondering how one would explain how Santa became who he is, and why he does this somewhat odd ‘job’ of delivering gifts every year. Somewhere in the middle of writing it, however, the book took a twist and a turn even I hadn’t expected.
The very latest thing I’ve published is a short story called “Hot Wheels”. It’s somewhat self-explanatory what this story is inspired by, I think, but it was also inspired by the town where I grew up and my nerdy love of racing and cars that stems from having grown up surrounded by boys. The story is available for free at most ebook vendors, Smashwords and to subscribers of Scribd.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I tend to write the top halves of chapters, then return when the book is nearly done to write the bottom halves. I think my mind does this so the book stays new to me until the very end. It’s also a good way to keep chapter endings open for unusual changes that might occur later in the storyline. I *do* usually know roughly how each chapter will end, though.
I work better when I have sweet things close by. Jelly beans and wine gums are my greatest motivators. They allow me to literally chew on ideas, problems, etc.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Every book and every author I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across has influenced me and I am extremely grateful to them all. Books are the truest form of magic and the only tangible example thereof. Their power should never be underestimated.
I’m on Goodreads, so if you’re super interested in knowing some of the books that have shaped me as a person, feel free to look me up!
What are you working on now?
A YA/New Adult crossover romantic comedy about the pleasures and pitfalls of teenage love. It’s called ‘Almost Mom’ and will be out by the end of 2018.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Awesome Gang is pretty high up there and definitely one of my favorite go-to’s. I like to use Twitter, Facebook, my own website and some paid sites, and I hope that my writing speaks for itself, too. My greatest preference, however, is if people who liked what they read choose to review and/or personally recommend my writing. I think other authors share this hope/dream with me.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Yes! If it’s your story, tell it your way. Don’t be afraid to share it with the world. Writing a book is an incredibly difficult thing to do, but sharing something so personal and that you put so many hours of your life into is near impossible. That’s exactly why you should do it. Not everyone will like it. But remember, not everyone likes chocolate either. That doesn’t make chocolate taste any worse to those who do like it.
Good luck and don’t give up!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“This, too, shall pass.”
It’s a thing people use to overcome depression/bad thoughts. It is without a doubt the truest statement I’ve ever heard and it can be applied to everything from depression to writers’ block (which I don’t subscribe to). Sadly, it also applies to the greatest/happiest moments in life.
What are you reading now?
I’m a multi-reader. As a rule I have a minimum of two and a maximum of around six books going at the same time. That is because sometimes they are for research, sometimes entertainment, sometimes escapism.
My current book stack is as follows:
The rejected writers’ book club – Suzanne Kelman
Firefly magic – Lauren Sapala
Secret lives of great authors – Robert Schnakenberg
Mind of the Raven – Bernd Heinrich
The Essex Serpent – Sarah Perry
What’s next for you as a writer?
I like the idea of writing a book for each mainstream genre. Probably won’t, but one can always dream. My next year is mapped out for three projects:
The YA/New Adult romcom called ‘Almost Mom’ (Coming soon!)
A YA paranormal fantasy novel
A New Adult high fantasy novel
aaaand… more short stories, because I love short stories and think everyone should read them ๐
I also regularly work on poetry, lyric writing (for an established composer), copy and advertising, and corporate editorial work.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’d probably die before I could decide which three or four to pick because the smartest thing to do would obviously be to bring:
“How to survive being stranded on a desert island” Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 ๐
but I’d probably want to bring:
Palimpsest – Catherynne Valente
Oil and Marble – Stephanie Storey (This book will change your life!)
Beethoven’s Hair – Russel Martin / Vienna Nocturne – Vivien Shotwell
Daughter of Smoke and Bone – Laini Taylor / The Raven Boys – Maggie Stiefvater
…Or just my e-reader and a radio-isotope generator.
Author Websites and Profiles
Christina van Deventer Website
Christina van Deventer Amazon Profile
Christina van Deventer Author Profile on Smashwords
Christina van Deventer’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Twitter Account