Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi – I’m Claire O’Sullivan (my pen name), a mom, grandmother from rural Oregon. I’m a retired nurse practitioner and author. I’ve been a backpacking guide, canoe guide (long time ago), horse enthusiast, and professional student. I had to opportunity to study forensics locally associated with the National Forensic Science Training Center and the sheriff’s office for property crime. My formal university training has been in psychology, Biblical studies where I have a bachelor’s degree, and in nursing, with bachelor’s and master’s degree.
I was encouraged to write since the 8th grade but as it often does, life interferes, and I didn’t start writing seriously until 2012.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My first book is called, “Romance Under Wraps,” a romantic suspense, which came out on Octo29th, 2020, and it was inspired partly by desire to write and partly by adversity. Growth only comes through adversity, and more often than not, we fail to recognize that. I certainly ignored it as much as I could, but it began to shape my very snarky main character. Apparently, I was cynical, snarky, and very, very sarcastic.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I tend to write late at night when the world around me is quiet. I journal first thing in the morning, and recently took that up along with a leather, antiqued journal, and quill pen, kid you not. That stirs the creativity pot.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
CS Lewis, JR Tolkien, Dostoevsky, Christy Barrett, Linda Rodante, Lolo Paige, Ted Dekker, Brad Taylor, Anita Rodgers, Dale Amidei, Sue Colletta, Robert Whitlow, and the late Sue Grafton.
What are you working on now?
“Rules of Engagement,” a military/political thriller, quite the departure from my normal character-driven plot. I am simultaneously working on “Alex and the Very Dead Doxy,” a cozy mystery. Also, “Glass Slipper,” an over-the-top noir comedy/mystery sequel to “Romance Under Wraps.”
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Twitter and Facebook seem to be the best at this time. I do use others, including LinkedIn.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Yes, in fact I do! Don’t send your first draft to an agent, because the first draft always needs rewriting (and rewriting. And rewriting). Get a fantastic and harsh review or critique group (such as Scribophile), learn the craft, and when you can no longer stand the book, get a great editor.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Blessed be the comma and blessed be the comma that knows its place.” – my editor (this by the way I have yet to learn).
What are you reading now?
“Blood follows Jane Austen,” by Judith Cranswick, and a departure from my usual fare, “A Dread So Deep,” by Anita Rodgers.
What’s next for you as a writer?
More marketing, more writing, and hopefully, a vacation.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Chronicles of Narnia (all of them equal one book, ‘k?), a Bible (being stranded on a desert island could certainly bring about theological questions!), anything by Christy Barritt, Garry Rodgers (another departure from my usual fare), and “Under the Ground,” (and Sue Colletta, “Hacked”.
Author Websites and Profiles
Claire O’Sullivan Website
Claire O’Sullivan Amazon Profile
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