Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Craig Rainey I am an American film actor, author, screenwriter, and musician. I was born in San Angelo, Texas and I now live in Austin. My Texas roots hail back to the original Impresario settlers of Coahuila y Tejas under Stephen F. Austin. I cowboyed professionally in south Texas. My published novels include Massacre at Agua Caliente, Stolen Valor, a Carson Brand Novel, and Dark Motive is set for release Summer 2020. As a screenwriter, my scripts have won numerous awards at film festivals including: Best Narrative Period Piece, Most Likely to be Produced as a Movie, and was Official Selection for many more. I won Best Breakout Writer for the script Massacre at Agua Caliente.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is Stolen Valor, A Carson Brand Novel. I have always been a fan of spy novels but I always find that the hero tends to be kind of a social dork. He is always a baddass, I’ll admit, but he seems to be written by someone who has never been on a date. We are authors, right? How cool can we be? Carson Brand is an everyman who winds up in a very tough position when his best friend is murdered. The book is the pilot novel in a series. The second book, Dark Motive, A Carson Brand Novel is nearly complete and should hit book stores mid Summer 2020. Stolen Valor was inspired by many of the experiences I had in my own life. Many of the characters are based upon personalities I have encountered in my life.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I travel a lot so I tend to write at my desk in my office at home when I am in town (Austin, TX) but I use my IPad with a full-sized keyboard when I am elsewhere. Every book begins in handwriting on my MoleSkin notepad which is always with me.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
As a youth, I started reading the usual children’s books for the time. But as I matured, I developed a love for westerns. It likely had to do with my west Texas roots. I loved Max Brand. He was the master of western dialogue. His prose were exquisite turns of phrase, seasoned with a genuine delivery as only denizens of the old west could achieve. Zane Gray soon entered my worn paperback collection. My first Zane Gray novel was “Man of the Wilderness.” His descriptions were palpable and compelling. If he described cold and wet misery, I reached for a blanket. Hot desert scenes had me on my feet desperate for a glass of water. As I have gotten older I am a huge fan of Mark Helprin’s Soldier of the Great War.
What are you working on now?
I am 250 pages and 52,000 words into the sequel to Stolen Valor. It is titled Dark Motive, A Carson Brand Novel. It ties up some loose ends from the first book and begins a new harrowing obstacle for which Brand will risk his life to overcome.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am regularly reviewed favorably by I create biblets through Bowker. I create landing pages for each book. I optimize the Meta Keywords and headers to climb the search engines as much as possible. I, of course, am on Amazon. My two novels are in Barnes and Noble’s throughout Texas. I try to visit as many as I can in person. I also gift author’s copies to reviewers when I can.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
The key to the author business is the business. Pay the money for professional cover art. Invest in an interior template for your books. Study the available self-help books available. Edit your work before anyone sees it. Create characters that are believable and flawed. Above all, make sure your work is interesting, compelling, and creative.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
James J Kirkpatrick who wrote “The Writers Art” said if you write one book you are an author. If you write several you are a writer. Be prolific. The more you work the writing muscle, the better you will be at it.
What are you reading now?
I am re-reading Story Engineering by Larry Brooks. HIs process is reasonable in its concept and practice. However, it is very detailed. Story structure is everything. I am a student, even at my age.
What’s next for you as a writer?
After Dark Motive is published, I plan to write a SciFi novel. I have a great concept and it needs a good hook, which I am working on.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Anything by Larry McMurtry or Zane Gray.
Author Websites and Profiles
Craig Rainey Website
Craig Rainey Amazon Profile
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