Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi, there!
Well, I am a teacher and fiction author just starting my writing journey. This November, I published my first fiction novel. What a blast! I can’t wait to start my next book.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My first book, “Deleted”, came from a handful of quirks I happen to have with the Supernatural World. I grew up in a very spiritual home and have believed in the existence of a Supernatural realm my entire life. I have always had visions and seen spirits, so I thought it only natural to write what I “knew”! I love all things spiritual and ghostly, so I tossed all of my favorite paranormal beings into an action packed story where a girl, who can only see the dead, is forced to stop the murder of Mysticals like herself (lots of fun)!
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t paint with acrylics here; I paint with watercolors. My writing habits are messy, sporadic, and best served with a bottle of Pepsi at three in the morning. I am fortunate enough to be able to schedule my own work hours, so I don’t have much of a problem writing all through the night. It’s a good thing, too, because if I couldn’t write in the middle of the night, I would never get anything written.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
When I was little, books were my form of release from an abusive home. I especially admired “The Wanderer” and “Premonitions”. Both of these stories, while not well known, gave me characters I could relate to as a child “on her own” with “taboo” quirks like speaking with the ocean or seeing those kinds of visions.
What are you working on now?
My next story is called “The Devil’s Got Dirt”. Blix is a girl who died and was supposed to wake up in hell, but she’s been given a second chance, and the devil can’t stand it. He’ll send his best missionaries down to Earth, and if he can’t bury her himself, he’ll get her to do it for him. It’s a project that I’m planning to serialize so that readers can read it as it’s being written. I can’t wait to start getting this story out there, and I’m projecting chapters to release in early 2017!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to promotion. So far, I rely a great deal on Social Media and sites like “Awesome Gang”. I love being able to connect with readers and other authors in places like these.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
The only way to write a book is to write it. What? Yeah, you read that right. For years, I sat down and started stories while dreaming up some of my most adored characters. The problem was that I gave up before I ever finished. You have to write, and you have to keep writing (even after the first book).
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Keep Writing!”
What are you reading now?
Currently, I am reading the “Dead Jack” series along with a few Virtual Novels. I always go back to the Mortal Instruments series, also. I just can’t seem to get away from paranormal things!
What’s next for you as a writer?
What’s next? The only thing that could ever be next for a writer: writing. I’m just going to keep hiding in my made-up realms with some of the coolest characters I’ll ever meet this side of the grave. I don’t know if anyone else really likes them, but I sure do.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Ah, alone at sea. Well, I’d bring “The Holy Bible”, “Survival for Dummies”, and a diary. No one ever said the books had to be filled. If I died, I could at least leave behind some thoughts. I’d have to be honest. If I ever got stranded on a desert island, I’d die. Legit. Unless mermaids really do exist!
Author Websites and Profiles
Crystal Cherie Website
Crystal Cherie Amazon Profile
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