Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m a graphic novel writer and artist. I’m the creator of the following comic book series: the space opera, Sage Escape, the supernatural thriller/paranormal romance, Sleeping With Ghosts and the urban slasher, Ravage. My stories are released in single issues, then collected into trade paperbacks/graphic novels. The digital versions are available on iBooks, Comixology and Kindle. The hardcopy print versions are sold on Amazon.
At the time of this interview (May 2017) I’ve written 10 issues of Sage Escape, 3 issues of Sleeping With Ghosts and 3 issues of Ravage. I’ve also written a range of children’s books under a pen name, which will start to be released later this year.
You can check out my social media for the latest news and releases. My Author site and email subscription service are coming soon (I know, they are way overdue!)
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My newest book is Sleeping With Ghosts: The Hotel Avira Hauntings 2. It is the second chapter in a 3 part graphic novel story. Sleeping With Ghosts is the title of the series. And The Hotel Avira is the location where the action takes place.
The series title refers to the fact that the ghosts inside The Hotel Avira can take on physical form by drawing upon the energy of the living. Which leads to a dangerous romance between debunker, Sebastian Fletcher and resident ghost, Claire Clarkson.
I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of ghosts. It’s a topic that is present in all cultures throughout recorded history. Everyone either knows someone who has had a spiritual encounter or has experienced something unexplainable themselves. I thought it would be fun to lift the veil and explore what is behind hauntings.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I normally have a story in mind for years before I write it out in full. For each new series, I create a visual bible: a ring-binder folder where I store sketches and reference images. Slowly I flesh out the characters and environments. I always keep exercise books handy for jotting down ideas that come to me. By the time I actually get to writing the plot outline, there is usually a huge amount of material to drawn from and I have to cull it back to fit the intended length of the book (graphic novel). So far I have always utilized a 3 Act plot structure. That seems to work pretty well as I release a chapter at a time.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Stephen King is probably the author that I’ve spent the most time reading over the years. IT is my favorite King book. And loved The Dark Half and Salem’s Lot.
Other books that left a major impression on me are: William Peter Blatty’s Legion, Michael Crichton’s Sphere, Clive Barker’s The Hellbound Heart, Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, Ian Flemming’s Casino Royale, Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon and Marianne de Pierres’ Nylon Angel is a great read.
My favorite comic book/graphic novel author is Simon Furman. I’ve been reading his work since the original Transformers UK and US series. My all-time favorite comic book miniseries/graphic novel is his Transformers: War Within.
What are you working on now?
I’m midway through completing the new Sage Escape miniseries, Transhuman. And I’m also developing a children’s book series adaptation of Sage Escape. I’m doing both the writing and artwork for those books.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I wouldn’t claim to know the best method, it is something that I’m still studying. I started releasing on ComiXology. And only recently got my titles onto iBooks and Amazon. This is a big year for me: my first hardcopy giveaway for Sage Escape went up on Goodreads this month. And Sleeping With Ghosts 2 is my first Kindle free giveaway/book launch. So I guess I’ll report back when I have a definitive answer.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
If you want to be successful, you’ll need to not only become a great storyteller but also become an effective marketer. You might have created an awesome book, now you need to get it into the hands of people who love that genre.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I met Joss Whedon at a Sydney Opera House event years ago. He did a stage talk, then there was a meet and greet afterwards. I asked him what he would recommend for an emerging writer wanting to do well in the industry. He told me to put your best ideas up front. Don’t hold them back, thinking you can get to them down the track. He made a comparison between Firefly and Angel. Shows that had been cancelled with great plots in the pipeline. As a big fan of Firefly and Angel, this hit home. So now I only focus on creating the stories that I love and am passionate about. It has been really great advice, and has helped me cut many time wasters out of my life. Leaving my focus 100% free to develop, make and release my books.
What are you reading now?
Right now I’m producing 3 series simultaneously. I’m not reading anything apart from my own work. I wake up and check what pages have come in from my 2 art teams overseas (for Ravage and Sleeping With Ghosts). I give feedback and focus on my own work. During the weekdays I’m writing and drawing Sage Escape. The work continues often into the evenings as well as some hours on weekends. The very few hours I have spare are set aside for friends and family.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m currently finishing the first Sage Escape children’s book. That will be released in digital and print later this year.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Transformers: War Within, Transformers: War Within: Dark Ages, Alan Dean Foster’s adaptation of Alien, Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success, Stephen King’s IT
Author Websites and Profiles
Damian S Simankowicz Website
Damian S Simankowicz Amazon Profile
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Goodreads Profile
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