Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’ve written three books.
My first, “A Simple Guide to Exercise Safety (What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You)” is a guide to help people avoid unnecessary injury and death on their quest for healthy living and weight loss. After graduating from an intense and lengthy curriculum at a credible, well-respected and highly regarded personal training school, I learned about the many dangers that lurk beneath the surface with regard to exercise, so this book helps people understand how to implement a safe and structured fitness program.
My second book, “Streetwise Philosophy (A Bullshit-Free Approach to Spiritual Maturity)” is a short book filled with thoughts about the world we live in and the human condition. It’s meant to encourage people to wake up to themselves and how things are being played out in society. It reads like a manifesto, and I’m transparent about that in the intro.
It does contain some strong language. What can I say? Sometimes personal expression requires no bounds, and I’m not exactly politically correct.
Lastly, my third book, “Choose Awareness (How to Free Your Mind and Become Your Own Guru)” is designed to encourage free thought, self-awareness and becoming the one you lean on most for truth, trust and awareness.
I discuss techniques to help people become aware of what lives inside of us and how society influences us.
I first began writing years ago having been inspired by healthy living when I went into personal training. My own journey led me toward self-awareness, and while that, in and of itself, played a role in the health and fitness topics I wrote about, it took on a life and direction of its own. Now I focus primarily on human consciousness. Given the crazy world we live in, becoming a truly independent thinker is an asset….and a necessity.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is titled “Choose Awareness (How to Free Your Mind and Become Your Own Guru).”
It was inspired by my observations about the world in which we live. How we perceive things, what influences our inner worlds and how these things play out in our personal lives and in society.
People, although they may not realize this, are being programmed every second of the day. It’s been going on since the time we were born. I’ve observed this. I see how what exists within us contributes to the world – and especially, how we’re influenced by the media, the advertising and entertainment industries, our belief systems, our thoughts and our peers.
This book is a step by step guide to awaken to the guru inside of YOU. To free your mind. To disengage from the thought suggestions that surround us at all times. To know and live your truth.
I was inspired to do this through my own awakening. I can’t NOT share this info…and this book was a true pleasure to put together. My best one yet.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
My best content shows up when I’m doing random things, so I often have to stop what I’m doing and start writing immediately so I don’t lose the words.
I’ve been known to speak my thoughts into the closest recording device and publish it later on because I wasn’t in front of the computer.
Normal, every day tasks also provide me with content because I witness how I react to my inner-world. Once I see it, question it and realize that I, too, am a walking reaction to what lives within me, I awaken to another aspect of my own conditioning and share this insight with others.
My most recent book started to write itself in my head after I had shut everything down for the night (and while I was still waiting for the proof of my second paperback to be delivered). I turned the computer back on, started writing and before I knew it, the intro was complete.
Spontaneity has been the main theme with my writing…and this blends well with my message about creativity and learning to trust the inherent wisdom and direction inside of us (once we shut off the noise).
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I love Dr. Wayne Dyer’s work. I also love J. Krishnamurti.
What are you working on now?
Now I’m working on marketing my book.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
My own website and social media.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just get started, Hire a pro if you need one, but confront the self-doubt and know that all possibilities exist.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Act, don’t react.”
I’ve since tweaked it to “observe, feel, question and respond accordingly and intelligently.”
What are you reading now?
Fiction. All different genres. I love anything by Catherine Ryan-Hyde.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’ll know the answer to that when it shows up (which will probably happen at some random moment while I’m cleaning, cooking, etc).
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1 – Dr. Wayne Dyer “The 10 Secrets to Success and Inner-Peace.”
2 – Dean Koontz “From the Corner of His Eye.”
3 – Catherine Ryan-Hyde – any of her books.
4 – Anything by J. Krishnamurti.
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