Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
“I love magic and wonderful journeys that expose the richness of everyday life.”
Darcy Deming began her life long journey communicating with imaginary and animal friends on her family’s forty-acre farm in Upstate New York, where she began training show jumpers at twelve years old.
Five years in the Australian outback enabled her to understand the value and the connection of the energetic web of life surrounding all things. It was here that she discovered the Australian horse sport of Polocrosse which she brought back and founded the now popular American Polocrosse Association.
In the late 80’s Darcy returned to the US and had a thriving Training and Equine Rehabilitation Ranch near Sedona, Arizona. During a clinic at the ranch, a Cherokee Elder approached Darcy and asked if she would be willing to study with her so that she could pass on the Old Ways.
Even though she is a Cherokee trained Shaman, Darcy is The Keeper of the Sage, always interested in expanding her abilities and knowledge.
The outdoors world of nature has always been Darcy’s cathedral. It is there where she works with the nature and elemental spirits in a humble way to help heal the land and the inhabitants, many of which have resided there for centuries.
Darcy has her first book in a Young Adult series coming out in May of this year
Sage Stone – The Magic Between the Worlds is already being touted as the next Harry Potter series, but with magic that you can actually use. She currently lives in Tubac, Arizona where she and her husband, Mike have a Gallery called La Esplendida.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Sage Stone – The Magic Between the Worlds was inspired by a trip to a sacred cave on top of a mountain that is considered to be the Center of the Universe by the indigenous people here in Southern Arizona. It was in that cave where I made an amazing connection with the Mountain Apu who asked me to write this story, the name was provided and a knew journey in my life began…
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Absolutely, I am not a typical writer. Chapters seem to float down to me from the ethers in no particular order. When they arrive, I start jamming the keyboard… As soon as I reach 7 or 8 Chapters that are roughly drafted, I start putting together the links and touches to tighten things up… it’s an exciting process.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
One of my favorite books is Dandelion – The Extraordinary Life of a Misfit by Sheelagh Mawe.
What are you working on now?
I am zooming through book 2 in the Sage Stone series which I hope to have out late fall 2018…
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I use a variety of promotional platforms.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t spend tons of money on classes, plot builders and all that hooplah. Just write! I am always amazed at writers who have issues with inspiration, wow…. Look out your window, scroll through your pictures, what makes your heart beat… That’s what you should write about!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
To ask one question, over and over and over as I create my book….
What if……? What if so and so did this? What if…
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I think that they would all be empty journal notebooks, provided that I had an endless supply of pens!
Author Websites and Profiles
Darcy Deming Website
Darcy Deming Amazon Profile
Darcy Deming’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
You are a wonderful talented spirit Darcy
Viewing your previous creations I am
amazed of your art, jewelry, and now
looking forward to reading your book.
May you soar to even higher heights
with your message to our world through
your writings.
Feel blessed to have meet you two years ago
Thank you for your sharing and time spent with me.