Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My idea of a perfect day is sliding out of bed early and into my favorite jeans and t-shirt, grabbing my backpack full of magical things, picking up my walking stick and heading out into the mountains of southern Arizona with my Labrador, Sol, trotting by my side gracefully.
We meander through washes and ravines as our trail slowly ascends upward to a destination high up on the side of a mountain. The breeze starts to blow and the Ocotillo cactus with it’s long, strange arms begin to clatter in the wind, matching my footsteps.
Something moves across the trail up ahead, and I request that Sol wait… for we don’t know who has come to visit. If it’s a rattlesnake, I would prefer that he stay away. Today, it is a friend, a lovely Gila Monster who I have visited with many times before. We stop, offer the shaman of the animal world a drink of water and some blue corn meal… Then, we sit quietly and see what the wise one has to say.
The clouds begin to thicken as we continue to climb, scrambling through this brush and large rocks as our ascent gets more difficult. Finally we crest and reach the landing on the side of the mountain that we so desired. The view spans for hundreds of miles to the southwest. Off in the distance the sky is dark and squiggly lines of light decorate the sky with a rumbling hum in the background… a storm is brewing.
After enjoying a little snack of nuts, of which Sol eats most of, we gather up out things and head back down the trail and arrive at our mountain top home just in time to enjoy breakfast with my husband, Mike.
A quick glance at emails, and I’ve already had enough technology for the day. I disappear into the studio for a full day of painting – I’m working on the cover for the second book in the Sage Stone series. Sol and his brother, Tug, curl up around my feet as I paint and sing along to the music on the radio.
The storm misses us and the day gets very hot about 3pm. I clean everything up in the studio, put the dogs in their pen and head off for an afternoon of play in the pool… This is the way life should be and I cherish every minute… Tonight, perhaps another Chapter for book two will be shared with me, so that I can share it with you.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is Sage Stone – The Magic Between the World that was inspired by a trip to a sacred cave on a mountain that is considered to be the center of the universe by the indigenous people of the area… it was while I was laying on the ashen floor of this cave where I was told the name of the book and the importance of getting it out into the world… “the children need to re-member the old ways.”
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write when I receive information… this always comes in as Chapters and I never know which will be the first or last, I have to be patient and wait… for the story reveals itself to me, then I string it together and walla!
What authors, or books have influenced you?
My favorite book in the whole world is called, Dandelion, The Extraordinary Life of a Misfit by Sheelagh Mawe
What are you working on now?
Book Two in the series… this ones going to be very cool!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have a gallery in Tubac, AZ and so I sell a lot of books to my customers… They love to hear about what inspired me and many are taking courses with me now. Just keep trying!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Do it your way… I don’t plot things out, do outlines and all that stuff… I just write my way and what comes naturally to me…
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The best advice I ever got was to keep asking, “What if?” It created lots of fun twists and turns to my story…
What are you reading now?
Nothing, at the moment I’m doing a lot of research in preparation for a trip to the Jemez and Santa Domingo Pueblos for their dances and feasts, then Monument valley and finishing meeting some old friends at Hopi… more inspiration… please!
What’s next for you as a writer?
I will continue the Sage Stone series, for as long as the spirit moves me to do so. I am also opening a special ranch here in Arizona where people will be invited to come and spend time awakening themselves to their own possibilities..
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Mine would all be blank books… so I can draw and write.
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