Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
As a Sagittarius I`ve always been the explorer, not only in world travel pursuits but also alternative fringe subjects. My writing incorporates a wide variety of subjects, from natural healing techniques and alternative living guidelines through to fictional works for both young and older readers. Some of my books via Amazon include fiction, such as `Aaden BlueStar Awakening` and self help, such as `Wisdom Wellness Diet` and `Is There a Cure for Cancer` through to a survival guide `How to Survive and Live off the Grid`.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest work is `Aaden BlueStar Awakening` and was initially inspired by my sighting of a UFO mother ship and four smaller craft. That might sound strange but it was also witnessed by three other people who were with me at the time and that was the catalyst for me to research that subject. To clarify, the book is fiction and it started out as a sci fi novel aimed at the adult market, but then I was influenced by J. K. Rowling`s works and I rewrote the BlueStar more from Aaden`s perspective. Aaden BlueStar Awakening is like a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars except the `wizard` in this tale is a boy who thinks he`s a normal teen until a lightning strike awakens memories that he`s an extraterrestrial born here for a special mission – and his senator father is also not of this world.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
For fiction, I find the best way for ideas to flow is to sit in a comfortable chair with a dictation machine. I go into an altered state and `view` the scenes unfolding. It`s like I`m watching a movie and I simply describe the scenes before me.
For non-fiction, I do a lot of research, so my writing style varies depending on what I`m writing.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
J. K Rowling had a big influence, but I`ve been influenced by many writers, ranging from the earlier classics to more recent authors like Madeleine L’Engle, Julian May, Dan Brown, Wilbur Smith, Ursula K Le Guin, David Wingrove – the writing styles are quite diverse. It`s not only books that sparked my curiosity and creativity – the earlier Star Trek and Star Wars series had a big influence.
What are you working on now?
I`m currently working on a translation of ancient prophecies and how those prophecies might hold the clue to our past and future.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I`ve recently discovered and it`s a great resource for information and links to many book promotion sites. It`s through them that I found Awesome Gang.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Most writers are introverts, so the promotional side is often difficult to master, but the fact is, with so many books being produced weekly and the convenience of self publishing making it easier to get the stories out there, the market is flooded with new books. You might have a great book but if no one can find it then it`s not going to sell. That`s where the likes of and can be a great help. Follow the links and put in the effort.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Learn how to slay your baby!
That might sound rather strange, but to an author, their new manuscript is like a brand new baby, perfect in every way. When a woman has a baby, the infant might be rather plain but to the new mother it`s beautiful. Likewise, the new author needs to get some perspective. One way to achieve this is to set it aside for a period of time, preferably a few months, then read it as though you`re a stranger reading someone else`s work. It`s easier said than done, but if you can achieve it you`ll find many things that need changing. It`s best not to change immediately but simply mark the areas with a red marker pen and finish the reading before going back and making the changes. Then set aside again and repeat step one.
What are you reading now?
Currently I`m reading Homo Deus – A brief History of Tomorrow (as I mentioned above, my reading is quite varied).
What’s next for you as a writer?
Right now I need to concentrate more on the promotional side of the writing – that`s just as important, if not more so, than the creative side.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
If I was going to be stranded on a desert island I think the first book of choice would be a copy of my own `How to Survive and Live off the Grid` (might come in handy as a reference).
Then maybe a book on philosophy to understand how I got stranded on the desert island in the first place – Maybe Path of the Masters by Julian Johnson would be a contender.
For entertainment I think possibly `The Wheel of Time` and `Ender`s Game` would be my choice (mainly because I haven`t read them and they were recommended by a friend).
Author Websites and Profiles
David Gaughan Website
David Gaughan Amazon Profile
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Goodreads Profile
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