Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m originally from Arkansas and grew up in the inner city and spent summer vacations and holidays on my grandparent’s farm in west central Arkansas.
Observing people and finding humor in the normal and abnormal has always come easy for me. Over the years friends have told me I should be a stand-up comedian.
Having grown up in predominantly black neighborhoods, my family poor with Native American ancestry, and serving in the military left a lasting impression on me. At times any or all of my different sides will make an appearance, much to the confusion of others.
I think of myself as a white woman with an Indian “center” who has “black moments” like those detailed in my first book “Born a Poor, Black, Indian, White Girl”.
My writing mixes a variety of perspectives, experiences, knowledge, humor and sarcasm into what could be best described as “Book Gumbo”.
I’ve always loved to read and would have bookshelves full of books with three or four books waiting to be read at any given time. My writing started with diaries then progressed to journals. I’ve even written some poetry and prose.
I attended university and earned a Master of Education degree from Weber State University in Utah. I used my education and work experience to become a trainer and case manager for various nonprofit, city, state and federal government sectors.
I’ve actually been a writer, creator, public speaker and professional trainer for over 20 years and have the unique ability to blend spirit, humor, simplicity and realism into my writing and classes.
After many years working for others, I now do the work I love as a writer, speaker, teacher and coach of living a purpose-filled life.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My first/latest book is “Born a Poor, Black, Indian, White Girl”.
I was inspired to write about the traumas I experienced growing up so as to share it with others who may feel alone in some of the same struggles.
I talk about what I learned and how I got passed, forgave, got over all the negative so I could find a happy purpose in life.
The title shows my struggle with identity and sense of place in the world growing up. I think a lot of people can relate to this.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Yes. I tend to slip into present tense when relating a story or experience (much to the dismay of my editor). I’m told it confuses readers, but I see it as just the way I talk.
I also tend to forget things like inside or outside the quotations. I am very aware of spelling though! Funny.
I can also start writing and go for hours without any sense of time having past. Oh yeah, I prefer writing the book first, then typing it into word. The pen and page seem to flow, but the computer distracts.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Wow. So many! I lean toward non-fiction though I read romance novels for a period of time.
Fiction was Stephen King, JRR Tolkien and just about anything period piece with action and adventure. (I see life kind of like those. Scary, circumstance, overcoming, etc.)
Nonfiction from Anita Moorjani, Dee Brown, tons of Native American history, Steven Covey, Brian Tracy, Don Miguel Ruiz, Carolyn Myss, Tom Brown, Jr., and the list could go on and on.
Anything showing an inspiring story or inspiring ways to enjoy life and be yourself.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on the paperback version of my new book.
After that the Audio Book.
Have a couple of other manuscripts I’m researching the reader demand on.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m new at being an author, but so far my best places for advice, etc. are:
1. The Creative Penn
2. KindlePreneur (Dave Chesson)
3. Mark Dawson 101 Self Publishing
4. Jeff Walker (Product Launch Formula)
5. TCK Publishing (Blog: List of Sites for Promotion)
6. Book Launcher (You Tube channel)
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Get quality help. Don’t try to do it all yourself.
The Alliance for Independent Authors (ALLI) has great resources.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Do what’s in your heart of hearts. No regrets! Don’t keep saying “I’ll do it when . . .”
What are you reading now?
Not reading a book at the moment as I’m right in the middle of my book release!
What’s next for you as a writer?
Build my audience, write more, enjoy life. 🙂
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Only 3 or 4? Seriously?
Okay . . .
1. Black Elk Speaks by John G. Neihardt
2. Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer
3. My book as it’s a long-time goal I’ve reached.
Author Websites and Profiles
De Fletcher Website
De Fletcher Amazon Profile
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