About Dear Wellbeing: 100 Days on My Path to More Joy
*** .99 Cents *** 12-28 through 01/03/24 – How much more wonderful can your life be? Weren’t you born to be in the joy of who you are?
It’s time for a life-changing journey that guides you on a path to your greatest joy and wellbeing. And if you found yourself here, you’re ready!
Putting yourself in charge of your own wellbeing and happiness empowers you and sets you free. You’re invincible in your new mindset and become a magnet for all your life’s wishes.
This workbook offers a complete immersion into self-reflection and personal transformation in every area of your life including your:
Health – Mind -Body – Home – Family – Relationships – Career – Happiness –
and your Wishes & Dreams…
It is specifically designed to help you:
— Practice feeling how you wish to feel until it becomes natural to you
— Be in the qualities and energy that attract your true desires
— Create an atmosphere of success to achieve your goals
— Focus on positive solutions that allow any problems to fall away
— Use visualization for the purpose of healing and manifesting your dreams
— Noticeably improve your relationships
— Achieve a higher level of wellbeing
This is more than a self-help book. It’s a way to create a daily habit of thinking and feeling and acting like the person you truly wish to be.
If you’re feeling ready to devote time to yourself, why not use that time to purposely create your life so it turns out the way you designed it? That’s what this workbook can help you do.
All you need to do is take charge of your life and how you feel, and you can achieve the personal transformation you may be hoping for.
In her first motivational self-help book, 100 Days of Actions & Intentions to Create the Life You Wish For, certified happiness coach Susan Balogh provides you with a step-by-step blueprint to emotional success. This workbook offers a more personal self-development journey by allowing you to do the work for a firsthand experience that’s necessary for real positive changes to occur in your life.
If you love the idea of being guided, coached, empowered, loved, accepted, and appreciated, you will love this workbook!
By the time you’re done with this workbook, you will treasure yourself and your mind and body more, and attract your true desires more easily. You will also have a little tool box of powerful self-healing and visualization techniques for continued success.
As you navigate through this workbook, it’s also going to help with practicing mindfulness, gaining clarity on goals, and developing joyful thoughts. You may even find that you’re better at handling emotions and seeing potential problems as an opportunity for personal growth.
Upon completing this workbook, you can use the questions over again to do your own self-reflection journal. Making it a daily ritual is a great way to practice goal setting and improve decision making and communication skills. You may even find that it gives you more freedom and confidence to be yourself and recognize your worth.
It all leads to empowering yourself to be the best version of yourself and live your life to its fullest. That’s the goal, and that’s why this book is 100 days long. It’s meant to help you get in the consistent habit of setting daily intentions that help you continue to move forward and upward on your amazing life’s journey!
It’s time to give yourself the attention you deserve and make your life the way you want it to be.
Are you ready to practice thinking and feeling how you truly wish to feel and align with a higher level of wellbeing?
Take 100 days to guide yourself there. You will be so glad you did!
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Author Bio:
Susan Balogh is a law of attraction coach, author, and speaker, who has a passion for helping people feel how they truly want to feel and create the life they wish for. With consistent practice, the daily struggles often appear to magically fade away on their own.
With a desire for a higher level of wellbeing for herself and others, she sought training for over 20 years in many healing modalities. She is from Western New York, but travels the country in her custom RV to provide donation-based teaching any chance she gets.
Susan is a certified happiness coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Qi Gong instructor, and EFT coach. She also offers 1:1 or group in-house or virtual stress-relief training, as well as workshops on topics like breathwork, meditation and law of attraction. She even makes house calls on occasion!