Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi all! I’m Debra Kayn, and I live in the Bitterroot Mountains in N. Idaho. I’ve had 28 books published, but I don’t spend all my time writing. I love to be outdoors and any free time is spent riding, hiking, swimming, and goofing off. I’m a true romantic who got married right out of high school to the first older man who kissed me without asking first. We just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Struggling For Justice released July 7th, it’s the 6th book in the Bantorus Motorcycle Club series. It was inspired by all the other books in the series, but because they’re all standalones that feature a different couple in each book, the hero Remmy needed his own story. You see, he’s the oldest member at age 48 years old. A huge believer in living wild and free, he never thought he’d settle down. Until he met Natalie and she had him thinking that it was better to have a woman warming his back on the rides.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I can’t write in silence. The more chaos going on around me, the better. I think it goes back to when my 4 kids were young, and I knew if the house got quiet, they were causing trouble. Now when the radio is blaring in one room, the tv in the other, and the smoke alarm is going off in the kitchen, I just tune it all out and write, because that means everything is all right in my world.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Jude Deveraux is the queen of alpha men. They’re real men and they make no excuses. I fell in love with her stories before I started writing, and now she motivates me by being a classy author.
What are you working on now?
I’m almost finished with the 7th book of the Bantorus MC series.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I love being on Facebook, and socializing with my readers. It’s a platform that everyone is comfortable on and easy to spend 10-15 minutes having a meaningful conversations. So much of promotions today has nothing to do with talking about books, but getting to know each other as people. It’s like sitting down with friends and being a part of their lives, learning what books they read and enjoy, and sharing in the “likes”.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing. I know everyone says that, but that’s the hardest part. Once you write The End, you can fine tune everything else. Oh, and write every day. If you don’t have an hour or two, take ten minutes, but write.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Always be professional. It doesn’t matter how many publishers you’ve been with or how many editors have touched your book, you treat all of them with a professional attitude and your career will grow.
What are you reading now?
I just finished The Fault In Our Stars. I wasn’t going to read it, because I could predict the ending and I knew it’d be sad, but I caved to peer pressure. This is one of those books where I wish I was a member of a book club, because I need to talk to others about what I read. So many mixed emotions! I love when a book does that.
What’s next for you as a writer?
More books, more series, and I’m going to keep having fun with writing. The book community is a blast, and I love meeting readers. There’s been talk about having a signing next year in my town that I’m excited about. Good things happening!
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Thorn Birds
The first Montgomery book by Jude Deveraux
How to get off the Desert Island for Dummies book
Author Websites and Profiles
Debra Kayn Website
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Wonderful interview
I have known this woman since we were ten years old! She is an awesome person and an even awesomer (that word is made up for you, Deb) author! Read her books!