Interview With Author Dipesh Hirlekar
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m a person who loves to do a lot of things altogether. I have published two mystery thriller books. I’m also looking to test out other genres in the near future. If you ask me what made me get into this world of stories… It all started when I was preparing for my first short film script but due to some difficulties that occurred suddenly, I wasn’t able to move forward with that project. I was kinda thinking of posting my story one way or another, if I can’t shoot it then I will present it in some different form. Later I landed on the idea of presenting my stories as books and e-books and that’s how all this began.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my latest work is “Her Last Dinner” and it’s available on both Amazon & Flipkart. The book is available in two different forms i.e E-book version and the saddleback paperback version.
Actually, I got the inspiration for this book from the things that happened in my life, I haven’t exactly gone through the same thing completely but you can say I know the gist of it. Other than that, I have also got inspired by a lot of people’s stories that I usually read from There are so many people out there expressing their hearts and it makes me feel a bit comfortable with the fact that at least they all are willing to let it all out on such platforms.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t have any per se… but whenever I start working on a story, I make sure that I’m giving the story 100% attention. To elaborate on that, I make sure that I’m lost in that world of my story to understand more and get further ideas to make it better. I don’t even binge-watch for days/weeks if I’m working on my next project. I just love to get lost in that fictional world and just live through it fully.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Maybe I will be judged if I say I don’t read books, I just don’t enjoy reading books. Yet, I’m an author who has published two books and it sounds a bit odd, right?
What are you working on now?
Currently, I’m not working on anything but I’m planning to work on my next work at the start of 2023.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m an upcoming author and a beginner who’s still learning a lot every day. If we are talking about promoting the work then I think social media and promoting books by telling your close ones is still the foremost thing to do. Other than that I have a few sites where I upload articles, stories, and forms to promote my book on their platform.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just keep writing, write as many new storylines, think and plan new characters, and try to come up with new ideas for your work. A reader wants to read something different from his/her previous book and it’s our job to be creative with new stories.
Also, one more thing… write many stories but don’t publish all of them. There will be a few stories that will be so good as an idea, new and fresh but the problem arises when we think we should post them immediately. I feel we can improve those same stories by practicing more and more, we can be more creative by getting inspired by someone else’s work. So, make sure you keep some stories to yourself, work on them, improve them, and then when you feel the time is right… go ahead and publish that piece of art.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
There are a lot and I just can’t name one of them the best. Everyone goes through a lot in their life ranging from family issues, career blocks, personality crises, relationship problems, mental health issues and so much more. We tend to get different advice from others, maybe we get it a bit different from our friends, and family, and the thing I feel is right is that every piece of advice can be beneficial for us if we use it accordingly to different circumstances in our life.
The advice I got and I live by that principle is that just be yourself and you will be happy eventually.
What are you reading now?
Maybe I will be judged if I say I don’t read books, I just don’t enjoy reading books. Yet, I’m an author who has published two books and it sounds a bit odd, right?
Still, I would like to add that I’m a few books… but those are for my entrance exams… hehehe (awkward laugh).
What’s next for you as a writer?
As a writer, I feel there’s a lot that I want to try and experience. If you look at my work right now, you will see that both of my books are mystery/crime fiction. So, I’m thinking to work on a different genre… maybe romance because I have a few ideas for that genre too. I’m also thinking of making my both books available in audiobook format to make them available in more than just two formats.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I would just bring 3-4 blank books and fill them up with the stories in my head. My imagination is running wild even now and nothing can make me more happy than writing new stories and exploring so many possible outcomes from my stories.
Author Websites and Profiles
Dipesh Hirlekar Amazon Profile
Good going little brother.
Keep up the good work and shine.