About Drive Me To the Moon by Mike Baines
Marcy Jones was hired right out of high school to work on a 20-person wildfire fighting crew. Now, she and her husband are trying to make their Idaho ranch solvent. To bring in extra money, she agrees to use the family transport truck to move equipment around working a wildfire. Going back into fire camp culture is different from when she was on a crew. She experiences gender biases and prejudices. Twice events nearly cost her her life. She draws strength from God and from her family back home.
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Author Bio:
So… I was the last of eight children. I’m the baby. My dad died when I was 5 – mom never remarried. We lived rent-free in a camper in the backyard of the family my mom worked for. My mother said she never asked anything more from her children than average. I disappointed her often during my public school years… and, I suppose I should add during the 3 years I spent attending a 2-year college. In 1969 I enlisted in the Army to become a helicopter pilot. I learned how to fly but that career ended weeks later and I became a forward observer, aka “sniper target”.
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Following the Army, I got married, found the US Forest Service, started having children, went to college, and did very well. I moved my family all around the country working on many national forests, I’ve worked on fires in nearly every Western state and some Eastern states. I was a Hostile Work Environment Mediator for 12 years for the Forest Service and I still go on Wildland Fire assignments every fire season taking care of the human element that causes hostile work environments on large fires.
How about now? Ready to buy my book… soon to be, books… yet? OK. One more thing.
I have a lifelong faith in God and that is reflected in the books I write. I can write about violent situations, murder, intrigue, mystery, romance… all that stuff… and use only one vulgar word! I know! The way the world is today… this has to be a gift! OK. Full disclosure, the one vulgar word in it I hate… but I included it to express why it is so vulgar. I like to say it wasn’t my fault! The character made me include it. My second book, Between A Rock and A Dark Place, has none, zip, not one vulgar word.
Well, that’s it. I write from the heart. After you read my books, please write a review and maybe leave me a note on Facebook! mikebaines51@gmail.com