Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m an Indie Author living on Prince Edward Island, Canada. A & J PEI Treasures is the umbrella name we’ve given to our endeavours. We are a husband and wife team and our companion animals Sam the Wonder Dog and Ramses the Great (cat). There are a number of things that drew us to the Island…one of which was the natural beauty of the area. Somewhat retiring and reclusive, we enjoy constructing things from wood and renovating our place, upcycling, fashion upcycling, photography, writing, and a simpler lifestyle. Jean also enjoys crochet, knitting, sewing and a vareity of other arts and crafts.
We hope you enjoy our books!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest e-book is The Big Kid’s Magical Path to Insects in Nature. I was inspired by the amount of activity that goes on in plain site, but that we often overlook. I enjoyed finding the insects in the pictures that I took. They often are found feeding from the variety of beautiful flowering plants that grow wild in the area.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I try to keep in the habit of writing. I have a WordPress blog and an Anchor Podcast that is available in a variety of formats and am also on several other Podcast sites. The Podcast just gives my blog in a audio format. I work on e-books and other writing. So, it keeps me writing and finding creative ways to use my photography which is also part of my e-books.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’m a bit of a historical fiction and historical non-fiction reader. I think it would be interesting to see some of history. I’m also a fan of Anne Rice. I suppose the fact that some people are creeped out by insects made it somewhat attractive. For me it was not so much who influenced me, as that I wanted to do something different. I have discovered that Prince Edward Island does not even have it’s own category for books. At least on the forums that I use.
What are you working on now?
I have an idea for one more Magical Path e-book, but time will tell. I am also working on a longer term project of my own writing paired with photographs.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m not sure. Currently I am on Twitter and find that it is an interesting forum.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
It’s cliche but do what you love and love what you do. With the huge number of e-books and books available on the market now, it is highly competitive. Be your creative best. Be the best you can be. There are different markets and places to sell your e-books.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Just be yourself. There are a lot of things that people say, but this one give you the best chance to find something that will result in being happy. Prtending to be something or someone you aren’t will just exhaust you and people will eventually find the truth. Truth is the safest choice. There is less to remember.
What are you reading now?
I generally, because I’m on a budget that doesn’t leave a lot of room for extra’s either borrow from the library or I find free e-books. When I read a free e-book, I usually make sure to leave feedback for the author. It’s not easy being an author and it seems that I can help new authors.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I hope to continue to develop and improve upon my art. The thing about photographic e-books is that it can be enjoyed on a variety of levels. So, though some show as children’s e-books, there is the possibility of them being enjoyed by the parents and the children. There is very little to remember so can be enjoyed by people with memory deficits as well.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Something by Christian Jacq (Ancient Egypt), Something by Anne Rice and something with Tudor Historical Fiction.
Author Websites and Profiles
E Jean Simpson Website
E Jean Simpson Amazon Profile
E Jean Simpson Author Profile on Smashwords
E Jean Simpson’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account
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