Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Ed Green and my author pen name is E.A. Green / The Greenman and as of today, I’ve written 8 books.
My 1st book was published about 4 weeks before my 50th birthday and I’m originally from Rockport Texas but currently living in Kiowa Colorado. Breaking Rules Publishing, “ran by Christopher Clawson Rule,” is my home base and I hope and plan to stay with them for many more years to come. Unbeknownst to many of my friends, I’m an Ex Carnie with over 2 years of traveling like a Gypsy.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest accomplishment to be published is book 3 from my children’s series, DON’T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE 3 – OOEY, GOOEY & CHEWY. The series was a complete accident because my plan was to only write novels. But once a creepy child-like poem popped into my head, there was no stopping what I consider the type of bedtime stories Wednesday, Pugsley and I would have read and, “thanks to my Dad who was into horror movies,” grew up with.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Besides always having music playing and a cup of coffee next to me, my writing habits are pretty basic. Just DON’T expect me to instantly drop what I’m writing just to have a conversation with you. You’re likely to get stabbed.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
The Authors that helped me escape from the confinements of home and school bullying are Steven King, “of course,” Jean M. Auel, Piers Anthony, Terry Brooks, Richard Adams, Doctor Seuss, Dan Brown, Frank Herbert, George Orwell, Bram Stoker, and Many Others. King had such an effect, that my 1st Novel has been compared to his form of writing, which I consider a Major Honor.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on M.A.D., the Very 1st Novel I started way back in 1990. It delves into the psychotic world of Malphas Angelo Dumas, who is the true definition for being Crazily Insane.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
When it comes to promoting my literary accomplishments, I, “being the epitome of the broke artist,” use every form of media that I can find and use for free. These include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, AllAuthor, Pinterest, Tumblr, Goodreads, Linkedin, WordPress, Amazon’s Author Central, Goodreads, My Knowledge panel on Google, Blogging, and YouTube.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
If You are NOT on a deadline, don’t write your book as if you were. Just breath, take your time and Write, Write, Write then Edit, Edit, Edit. Also, there are many voices out there who all have an opinion. Sadly, not all of the advice is good and there are many who’s only goal is to steal and destroy your hard work, your determination, and belief in yourself and your bank account.
Stay Strong, Stay Focused and Stay Encouraged, for you will get there. If not today, then tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, then the day after that.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
If you can’t find the Strength and Will to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, you’ll never be able to stand against the negativity that seems to be heaped upon the world and its occupants these days. By the time you rise above all the other gladiators in the literary arena, you will have spilt much blood, sweated tons of mishaps and very possibly there would have been many tears shed at that point too. So Remember, this life is your story and if you don’t live and tell it yourself, your Not going to like what others will say about you and what they will write for you once you’re gone.
If the world is left with an impression about you, let it be the one you chose.
What are you reading now?
Currently, I’m in the process of writing and not reading anything. I probably do need to sit down and read, but there are so many stories in my head wanting to see the light of day that it’s hard not to give in to their shiny dreams.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I am hoping to become such a sought after writer, that I can finally get off of disability. I’m believing that my writing career will take off and allow me to become financially stable so that I can get the Government’s opinion and hands out of my finances and health choices.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1st, I’m Definitely taking a book on how to survive on a Desert Island.
2nd, the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. That way I can finally understand the opposite sex, just in case I ever come into contact with civilization once again
3rd, the book No Limits by Michael Phelps, I may need to find the encouragement when the only way I’m getting off of that island is by swimming.
4th and final, “in case I’m never leaving the island,” 1000 ways to eat seafood and Never grow tired of its fishiness.
Author Websites and Profiles
Ed Green Website
Ed Green’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile