Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi, my name is Elena Adani and I am a well-being professional and a coach. My main passion is to help people achieve extraordinary goals. I was born in 1968 in Modena, a town in the north of Italy, the same town where Mr. Enzo Ferrari the creator of Ferrari cars was born. For a long time, when I was a teenager, I had a difficult relationship with my father and had difficulties in taking life easy. I was plagued with the challenge of having a good self-esteem and also come to grips with my negative emotions, especially after my boyfriend passed away. Then one day I got in touch with a life coach who helped me to change my habits and inspired me look at myself and the reality in a total different way. From that moment on my life changed dramatically. I began improving my self-esteem, and I met many positive people who brought joy into my life, and I still do. About 7 years ago I made the big leap, I can say a “Quantum leap” because I decided to quit my job and dedicate myself to my passions: writing books and helping people to solve their self-esteem issues. Until now I have written 2 books: “Stop killing your back with the secret power of emotions” which i s about how emotions can cause back pain and how to manage them in order to get well. The second book is “Be the Hero of Your Life” an Instruction Manual for Self-esteem. I also have written some poems that were published in 2013 by “Impronte” an Italian Publishing house of Rome.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My last boot is “Be the Hero of Your Life – An Instruction Manual for Self-esteem”. I was inspired by myself and by the people I know who have problem of Self-esteem. In fact in this book I mentioned some episodes of my life, especially the period when I was stuck and frustrated and I did not know how to feel happy. I was also inspired by my interest in the knowledge of the unconscious mind and how and why things happens.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I do not think so but before writing sometimes, I do meditation or some stretching exercises in my sitting room.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have been influenced by Mr. Bob Proctor and Mr. Joe Vitale who are 2 of the authors of the book “The Secret”. In fact I have followed kind of coaching program with the Proctor and Gallagher Institute for one year. One of the book that literally changed my life is “La fisica dell’anima” (the Soul’s Physics) written by the Italian author Fabio Marchesi. After reading this book I better overcame the loss of my boyfriend who passed away in 2006, and eventually I felt increasingly better day by day. By that moment on, in my free time I began to study the internet marketing and understand how to do a on-line business.
What are you working on now?
At the moment I’m wiriting two books.
The first one is about the Laws of the Universe. A boy and a girl meet a library and after few time they agree writing together a book about the Laws of the Universe. Inevitably, they fall in love. Despite her love, the girl decides to take a break because she needs to overcome her fears and suffering (she lost her husband few years before). Then, she decides to visit some monasteries in the middle of Greece, hoping to find herself and other secrets about the Laws of the Universe.
The second book is about back pain, here I explain how to avoid the main 5 mistakes you often do when you have back pain. I give many pracatical tools about postural balancing, sport, diet and supplement.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Now I’m using different methods. On my internet site you can download for free the first chapter of the book. On Facebook and Instagram I have made some Ad campaigns, I keep on talking about my experience, my book and the topics related to self-esteem. I’m also creating some short videos giving simple tips to improve self-esteem. At the moment I do not have many followers because I have published my social pages about 3 weeks ago. I also would like to release interviews on the radio or on the Tv, so I’m planning to get in touch with Radio and Tv stations to do so.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Yes of course.
Especially if you’re not a well known author you should keep on advertising your book through posts, videos, Amazon or other platforms if possible. Give people at least the first chapters for free, so they know what the book is about and if they like it or not. Furthermore, a good cover is vitally important. You can not expect your book sell if it has not a captivating cover. Better to rent a skilled designer or find a free of copyright picture that may suit your idea of cover. Ask your friends or on the internet communities if they like your cover or not, and possibly if it can be improved. In any case, you have to follow your heart and, if other’s people suggestions do not convince you, then go on with your idea. If your goal is being a writer and live with your book income, do not write only one book but as many book as you can, but quality books about topics people are interested in.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Follow your dreams, no matter what people say and difficulties you may overcome, do not let problems discourage you from achieving your goals.
What are you reading now?
I’m reading “The Purple Cow” of Seth Godin.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I wish my book inspire people, and I expect to increase my sales and create self-esteem courses both on-line and live by next year.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I will bring The Purple Cow by Seth Godin, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, and a book that could explain how to survive in desert island.
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