Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My 30th birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something big for myself, accomplish something I never thought I could, and I impulsively decided on writing a book. I completed the first draft of my debut novel, The Crying Bird, just days before my birthday. Little did I know how that would affect the rest of my life and my sense of purpose. I’m a writer and a self-published author, and I will be a storyteller until the day I die. Current publications include my novel, The Crying Bird, and a Picture Book for early readers, Milton McMicey–Detective Mouse!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My picture book, Milton McMicey–Detective Mouse! is my latest book. However, I have a sci-fi novel due out this year, and a queue with a variety of stories such as a fantasy novella, another contemporary novel, another Milton McMicey, and other picture books.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I’ve finally recognized that I work in bursts and the more I try to follow the ‘rules’ of writing every day and writing whether I’m inspired or not, the less I got done. For me, recognizing my bursts has been more productive and more fun, and I naturally write every day without the stress. (Apparently I don’t like rules, ha!)
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I LOVE all things Sherlock Holmes so, of course, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is an author of note in my life. I have a cat named Sherlock Holmes and I would be awfully tempted, if I ever have a human child, to name him or her Sherlock.
What are you working on now?
My current work in progress is a sci-fi novel (soft) with a bit of mystery thrown in. Two main characters are unwittingly working on the same case in the year 2050 (subject to change) which involves kidnappings, alien conspiracy, a small-town legend, and technology will that change the world once the experimental facility is exposed.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Right now I’d have to say Amazon’s Kindle Select ‘Free Book Promotion’ along with spreading the word about said promotion via websites like Awesomegang (which is Awesome!)
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t try to follow ever little piece of advice you see on the internet. Everyone has an opinion about the right way to do things. Experiment and find YOUR right way, what works for you. Most importantly, you know that saying, “Write drunk, edit sober”? Don’t take that literally. That just mean write AS IF you were drunk, as in, get out of your head and let the words flow. THEN scrutinize what you’ve written.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t– you’re right.” by Henry Ford. And, it’s absolutely true. If you start getting down on yourself, all your projects are going to head for the dumps too.
What are you reading now?
I’m re-absorbing ‘How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy’ by Orson Scott Card, which I recommend, by the way, to anyone endeavoring to write SF&F.
What’s next for you as a writer?
My main goal is to write and self-publish as many books as possible without sacrificing quality (which, for me, will probably be 1-2 titles a year, maybe 3 if the projects are shorter.)
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Complete Sherlock Holmes, An Encyclopedia, an Edible Plants Guide, and some random selection to use a kindling.
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Emily Stillings Website
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