Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am an ADHD success coach. I set up Focus with Faigy, the ADHD success centre. I live in Manchester UK. I work with professional mums who have children with ADHD. I wear the coach hat and the mum hat simultaneously. I am married with 5 children, on the ADHD spectrum. I get your challenges. I will show you how you can implement systems that will bring focus and success in your life, and how you can improve your relationship and bring out the best in your ADHD child.
I originally trained as a professional organiser. I set up an online professional organiser training businesscalled Organise Pro. Establish your professional organiser business in only 3 months without compromising your home and work commitments. (Organise with an “s” as I live in the UK.)
I wrote”Organise Your Home Like a Pro” which discusses the science behind your clutter and how to finally get up and banish your clutter from your life.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My Latest book “Own Your ADHD – Discover Your True Potential” I am a certified ADHD success coach. I live in the UK. Here ADHD diagnosis/treatment and general understanding in schools and the workplace is beyond shockingly ignorant. There is so much work to be done to educate the public. I decided to write a book so that more people can understand about ADHD. This book, culmination of over a year’s hyper-focus and tenacity, is the result.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
During the day your brain has different focus powers. The secret to life success is to find out when your brain focuses best on different tasks. In the morning I work best on deep focused work. I get up at 5am, and write till 7am. I often sit outside in my back garden (even in freezing cold weather, I wrap up and sit outside for a short while.) I find that working in nature really opens up my creative juices.
Then I do not write at all for the rest of the day.
People think they need to devote huge amounts of energy to projects. This is a lie. All you need to do is little by little move forward and be CONSISTENT!!
When I am stuck or I have a question I knock on as “many doors” as I need to until I find the answer.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Julie Morgenstern, USA’s top home organising consultant really inspired me to start my career as a professional organiser, which in turn led me to train as an ADHD coach. Her book “Organising from the Inside Out” is a must read for all aspiring self-organisers.
Marie Kondo’s books helped me formulate my unique 5 step organising system which I use for clients.
Dr Russell Barkley, the ADHD research expert, Judith Kohlberg who is an expert in ADHD friendly organising methods, and Marydee Sklar who taught me how executive functions influence actions, all influenced me and really inspired me to bravely get up and write my own book “Own Your ADHD – Discover Your True Potential.”
What are you working on now?
I am working on promoting my book “Own Your ADHD – Discover Your True Potential”
I am working on expanding my reach as an author.
I am working on actively focusing on spending more time with my family as my book got me really hyper-focused.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Awesome Gang is an amazing website for promoting my books.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
1. Every person has multiple books inside them, waiting to be written. Think about your life, the lives of your family members, your experiences and life lessons that you have learned. The topics are endless.
2. Be honest and open. People want to read about real people who have struggles.
3. Just write. Don’t think about chapters, and layout. That will come later when you have finished writing the book.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Success is in your actions. The results come from G-d”
So many times we are afraid to act, simply because we don’t know what the outcome will be.
Do your part, bravely push through your fears the results are not up to you.
You are a success, your actions are a success, simply because you have done what you need to do.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Its the successful people that make the most mistakes.
What are you reading now?
I am currently reading “Oil Painting for Dummies” I frequently paint in oils, and I want to upgrade my skills. I don’t read so many books. Since I have ADHD I find it difficult to focus on a book for a long time. I use the internet as my reading reference. I am currently writing an online productivity course for a legal company. I do my learning by looking up online resources and adding my two cents worth.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I am currently working on expanding my first book “Organise Your Home Like a Pro” I will be creating a series of Life Productivity books. The series will be called “Banish your Overwhelm.” The first book will be titled, “Declutter Your Life” the second book, currently in the planning stages will be called “Systemise your Space”
The first one on clutter is well on the way.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
The 5 am Morning
ADD Friendly ways to Organize your Life
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
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Faigy Liebermann Website
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