About Farewell For A While by Sharon A Lavy
$0.99 promotion March 8-15, 2024
Is there a story behind your current story Farewell For A While?
Actually, there is. It was June 2, 2009, and Husband and I were leaving the meeting grounds of our Annual Conference. We were still reeling from the knowledge that our lives would never be the same.
Husband said, “Sharon, you have to write a story about what just happened.”
“But,” I said, “you don’t write a story about an event. It has to be about how that event affected someone.”
“That’s what I said. A story.”
So Husband and I worked on a what-if scenario on how this traumatic event might have changed the lives of a young engaged couple.
Also…although Farewell For A While is part of a series, each book has enough information to stand alone.
After the book was published, I learned about an engaged couple who broke up because of the differences in their family views on the church issue. I did not know the couple and this is not their story. Just fiction folks.
Farewell For A While has the unique setting of a Tent Meeting such as The Old German Baptists have used for years to move and hold the Annual Meeting across the country.
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Author Bio:
Sharon A Lavy lives on a farm, with her husband, in SW Ohio. When not reading, writing, creating Adult Coloring books, or sewing for her family, she enjoys traveling with her husband in the small plane they call Papa.
She is best known in the novel writing community, as that German Baptist lady.
In the Old German Baptist community, she’s a dressmaker, a pattern maker, and the sister who writes.
And in her own mind, she’s a wife, a mother, and a grandmother, but above all a child of God. ~~ Her greatest desire is to be a woman after God’s own heart~~