About Becoming Ambassadors of Christ, A Workbook for All of God’s Children (and Those Who Should Be) by Rebecca Gerideau
This workbook encourages a student’s approach to
understanding God’s Word. It gives the opportunity to practice: asking questions and reading the Holy Scripture for understanding; breaking down verses; comparing different bible versions of the same verse, and using study tips you already know while studying God’s Word.
The reader is encouraged to continually address personal levels of sincerity when answering questions and completing exercises then stretching those levels to a higher degree which allows God’s word to work in us. Most importantly, it encourages asking for God’s help during personal, Sunday School, and group studies.
“ Our vision of a physical father might mess with our understanding of a Heavenly Father. Not everyone grew up with their father. This was a stumbling block for me.”
“There was a big gap in my life when “father” came up. I was trying to comprehend ‘God our Heavenly Father’ through my own warped, partial understanding.”
Pain Points to highlight:
1. God loves everyone and made repentance possible through His Son, Jesus Christ, for all who would believe.
2. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and is the perfect example of how to live a life pleasing to God. He explained how the Old and New Testaments connect.
3. Becoming Ambassadors of Christ calls for living as Jesus Christ lived by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. This requires serious reflection so we may understand what we are doing with and in our life; so we may know where our thoughts and behaviors lead.
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