About The Art of Mental Strength
Mental Toughness for the Resilience Needed to Maximize Your Full Potential!
A mentally strong person is someone who is said to effectively handle challenges, stressors, or pressures. The concept of mentаl strength hаs grown in populаrity over the lаst decаde аnd hаs broken out from its silo of sport psychology into other domаins. What makes a difference and elevates average individuals to exceptionalism and perfection is the focus, and the inner strength to keep going forward. All of these characteristics help and make people mentally strong individuals.
Do you feel like everyone but you is achieving success, that they just seem to have it all? Are you afraid of failure and being judged by others? Do you easily fly off the handle and say something you instantly regret? Do you feel drained when talking to certain people but just don’t what to do? Still unsure of why you need mental strength or how you can apply it to your life? This book is for you.
In The Art of Mental Strength you will learn how to:
regulate your emotions
stop feeling sorry for yourself
say no and stop being a people pleaser
remove bad habits from your life
identify and overcome barriers to mental strength
unleash your potential
With over 200 pages, this step-by-step practical guide includes everyday tools and techniques to improve your memory, gain emotional intelligence, reprogram your subconscious mind, and develop superior mental toughness.
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