About Christianity Vs. Islam! A Badminton Match For the Ages!
In a thoughtful work of fiction God answers his “mail” (prayers from a Christian, Muslim, and Atheist) as to which is the one true world view, as played out as a badminton match between the Earth’s best Christian Vs. Muslim badminton player.
The Atheist position comes from a guy jeering from the crowd!
The book begins with a serious contrast between the two great Abrahamic faiths, detailing their theological positions, similarities and differences.
A work of high moral authority vs. philosophic reasoning is thereafter presented (by the words and actions of the players), culminating in a climatic battle of interpretive scriptural fact checking against the ancient historical record.
The match is close, with all the major issues discussed (from the mystery of Trinity, Forgiveness of Sin, Terrorism, Female rights, Apostasy, Persecution, Homosexuality, Drugs / Debauchery, to Western Secular Values) and so much more !
In an imagined return of Jesus Christ (Isa – in Arabic,in whom be the highest blessings and peace) directly following the match, the true religion of the world is unveiled and the apocalypse is initiated to established a unified kingdom, under God.
Unlike most books which un-evenhandedly criticize the Islamic position such that anyone who follows the Quran “must be a terrorist”, the present work (while still forcefully challenging Islam), also provides the typical “peaceful” responses offered from more Westernized liberal Muslims – who claim their religion, when taken in appropriate context, is perfectly moral, loving and peaceful.
Find out who wins, and what Jesus has to say (will surprise you) ! That fate of the Earth is at stake!
It is the Author’s hope that whether Christian, Muslim or even Atheist, that this work, as an intellectual exercise- presented in an entertaining fashion, will ultimately help bring people together.
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