About The Demon Rift
For eons, it observed Earth’s smoldering beginning, then its parade of life and the rise of Man. It entered our dreams, whispering, cajoling, hissing its promises of glory and power. To cause a permanent rift in the barrier that separates our universes, it created a saboteur.
Red pools swirled in the yellow eyes as the boy began to smile, his mouth widening into an impossible grin.
Often moving between timelines, the story covers more than a century, as women fight a demon named Bernie. To serve his demon masters, he murders wherever he goes. As an old man, he is caught and sent to prison which he burns to the ground with almost everyone in it. His demon masters want to create a pathway to our world To continue his mission, Bernie steals the identity and youth of his young cellmate. In 2004, Bernie is now retired U.S. senator and multimillionaire John Arnold, who has used his wealth and position to push forward a big shopping mall in Redhill, Ohio. The mall stands on the site where the barrier between worlds is thin, a location that previously housed the prison. Bernie plans a Great Offering: opening a rift for demons and richly rewarding himself. To do so, he needs the psychic abilities of Madonna, the latest in a line of women since 1898 who have fought but failed to stop the demon. But if Madonna can harness her powers, she can close the rift forever and save Redhill’s Christmas shoppers.
It’s 2004. There are no smart phones, no Facebook, no Snapchat or Instagram.
“The Mall” is the town square, a place to hang for mall rats and best friends, and a mecca for shoppers. Redhill Ohio has a new mall and many hope that it will revive the town’s dying economy.
As Christmas approaches, it seems they may be right. Then the murders start–all of them a necessary prelude to the main event.
On Christmas Eve there will be a battle and fate of the Universe determined.
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